Jason Sensation

The gnostic folks
Kinda agree with Zack, as well as a few other of the comments above. Much as I enjoyed it, the religious debates felt like so much hot air - is Dobyns telling us that they're all roughly the same, that no position is inherently superior to any other position? If you can argue it, it's "true".

A world where the Expendables does not rock is not a world I want to live in.

Hot Shots Part Deux is one of the greatest comedy movies ever. Miles better than the original, just packed with great jokes from beginning to end.

Has there ever been a reference to formerly running a summer school on an episode of NCIS?

By the end of the novel, I had a grudging respect for him and especially his piece on wrestling. I liked the way the wrestling in the book was not at all like any wrestling in real life, too.

I thought it was Rose that Kyd rescued at the end, and it was cleverly done - and that the gorillas were fairly clearly from Violet's place, given how it all ended up. Excellent bit.

Loved the clown-head fight. No idea what it was on about, of course, but it was an excellent scene.

There's also so much more, at its best, than just going "hey, that guy looks like X" which is the criticism you appear to have levelled at it in the article. And it wasn't just obscurity, either, there were dumb jokes everyone could have got mixed in with the weirdness.

Too broad and not funny enough, sadly. Maybe the weakest episode of the series so far.

It was the case where she was too weird looking, to the point where it completely ruined the joke. I wish they'd stop fucking banging on about poor old Liz, who's of course attractive. Come on 30 Rock, must do better.

What's the point of only having reviews of things by people who already "like" them?

Weirdly subdued
Not a lot of indication that the show is still the yardstick by which all sketch comedy should be judged, how it's still arguably the funniest show ever put on TV and hasn't aged a day.

A gateway is especially weird for this show, as it's season 1, episode 1, and work forward. Life of Brian is not just "excellent", it's one of the five or so best comedy films of all time.

Without a doubt. She's becoming the Monica of this show.

Whatshername…thingie…the cook! She needs to be the mother. Come on you guys.

Anne Dudek was a sign for me that no matter how bad the show gets, it's got people who give a damn about it at its heart and can be relied on in the end.

Total nothing episode, and Lily was a super-bitch in it too. Fuck you, you miserable perma-married whore.

Pioneering the format? The sitcoms of the last 50 years would like to have a word.

"Those bitches need to wash they ass".

I kinda liked both Fantastic Four movies. Good, campy fun. I don't know why everyone is so down on them. It's not like FF were the darkest of Marvel's characters anyway.