B-minus for me. Would be a C, but to Schrab's credit it was really well-executed. The gimmick was forced and the ending felt a little too tidy, easy and unearned.
B-minus for me. Would be a C, but to Schrab's credit it was really well-executed. The gimmick was forced and the ending felt a little too tidy, easy and unearned.
She's worst than Ann Coulter, because at least I believe that Ann Coulter believes what she says.
If you were Stephen Colbert, what would our headline be? "Colbert accuses anti-hipster of reverse-hipsterism?"
They had so much momentum going into this episode. Even if neither of the last two episodes (Apps and VCR Repair) would rank among the best ever, they both had original, weird, LOL moments.
Thank you. As fun as it is to watch these characters play Dungeons and Dragons, the premise for doing so in this episode is just weak, and the 'resolution' — which is essentially the group giving up and going for Fro Yo — is a pretty big cop out.
This was a B or B - for me. As game and amusing as the actors were, the overall story and material just wasn't that strong. The last two episodes were full of surprises. This episode was fan service — and just because the show is self-aware and 'meta' enough to call it out early one doesn't magically make the script…
You take that back. Peter Robbins performance as Charlie Brown cannot be replicated. It's like they found the only 7 year-old alcoholic in North America. And Sally Dryer as Lucy was fucking hilarious.
I've worked with Peanuts properties before, and this is a very good translation of the illustration/animation style of the original specials. I'm psyched.
Really? I feel exactly the opposite. I think the writers are making a concentrated effort to take the characters (and performers) out of their comedic comfort zones.
I do. Maybe not so much a gag, as much as it is a tribute to show runners that are his heroes.
Harmon deserves a lot of credit for identifying the strengths of season 4 (Brie Larson) and the weaknesses (straying too far from the school, recycling the same jokes and gags) and finding ways to make Season 4 seem retroactively better than it actually was.
Gillian Jacobs has been a rock star this season, between 'Floor, bitch! Floor!' and smearing mustard on her face.
Season 5 Emmy Reel Thus Far
That was more than 20 years ago.
Although I don't think the tag quite worked, I can appreciate and admire the thought process behind it.
The biggest mistake the show made was turning Chang into a student, and it took them three years of misfires to undo it. Chang (and Ken Jeong) has always been funniest when he acts pathetic. And nothing is more pathetic than a person in power or 'in control' desperately flailing for table scraps — which is why…
This is 10 to 15 minutes out a politician's day to improve the rollout of the biggest change in healthcare legislation in the past 50-plus years.
Wow. I can definitely see how that would crash and burn.
I loved this episode, but to love it, you already have to love Community.