Your suggested premise for a John Stamos TV show is fucking excellent, and probably ten times better than anything John Stamos would come up with. Let's kickstart that show.
In the words of Jeff Winger: Holy. Crap.
He's not defending Gibson or Baldwin as much as he is accusing everyone of being hypocrites.
I'm not going to be running around with a pitchfork on the internet, because nothing has been proven, but Singer has enough of a reputation that I'm not leaping to defend him either.
Sigh. I was looking forward to a new X-Men movie, but I think I have to avoid it until this gets sorted out. If I can't give Woody Allen a pass …
And if he can convince people to listen to Harmontown, surely he can get people to listen Donald Glover rap about his feelings.
The idea of Dan Harmon scrabbling to cobble together a record label in his basement amuses me.
Wow. Talk about a douche calling a tampon red.
Or when she was Nightshades goth assistant.
I thought the quips of about his muscles where just Harmon projecting his own insecurities about his horrible, horrible conditioning onto McHale. They're practically the same age and Harmon is in really, really terrible shape.
That's fair. I think the main criticism of this entire season is that the 'stunt' episodes went too far, and the 'meta'-commentary is sometimes to overpowering and on-the-nose.
Just because you don't understand calculus doesn't mean math is automatically stupid.
You're simply wrong. Harmon's hands are all over this.
It just feels like this episode flew over a lot of people's heads.
I'm with Todd on this one.
The particle accelerator storyline was the the story they original broke for the season 5 pilot.
I didn't see the promos, and was genuinely riveted and shocked. It's a testament to Harmon that he could figure out a way to make such a conventional sitcom trope seem fresh and completely nuts.
"The most boring thing that happened since Troy and Britta dated."
THAT's what that was?!?!?