Best episode of the season so far. "Daaaaaaaammmmmnnnn … " has been stuck in my craw all day. And Kat is the first new character this season to reach Magnitude levels of awesomeness.
Best episode of the season so far. "Daaaaaaaammmmmnnnn … " has been stuck in my craw all day. And Kat is the first new character this season to reach Magnitude levels of awesomeness.
Really. Abed's puppet made me laugh out loud. That's some fine-ass puppet design right there.
Setting aside 'integrity' and the blurred line between gonzo-journalism and exploitation, this show is still more compelling than most TV right now. And I really don't see how it is any more or less manufactured than most news.
Yeah, it's sooooooooooo hard to live in a world where people like things you don't like.
It will be interesting to watch all these episodes in their proper order at the end the season, to see how the overall writing, editing and directing improves. It really seems like the showrunners and writers had to re-learn how to make an episode of Community without Harmon at helm — and are actually getting the…
Doesn't matter.
I must say, I prefer your reviews to the AV Club's.
Is it just me, or was this the best EDITED episode of the season, and that it made a huge difference?
I really liked Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts.
That's weird. Honestly I thought this was the best episode of the season and if you slipped it into Harmon-era Community most of the crybabies in this thread probably wouldn't notice.
Wow, this review really captures Todd Barry's strengths and weaknesses in a nutshell.
Wow, this review really captures Todd Barry's strengths and weaknesses in a nutshell.
Isn't this supposed to be a comedy?
It's getting to the point where every punchline that comes out of Pierce's mouth has something to do with blacks, gays or jews.
Is it me, or are the writers having trouble living up to Abed's imagination?
The A story with Jeff and his father was surprisingly funny, touching and consistent with the character's development.
Alec Baldwin should teach a masterclass in how to handle someone else's BS.
Yeah, I started feeling bad for the guy.
I apologize for being so glib.
Yeah, I have to agree with Todd — It’s not fair to the people making Community or Dan Harmon to continue discussing Dan Harmon. Especially when you job is the review the content and merit of a show. It's irrelevant gossip masquerading as 'insight' that critics lean on when they have nothing to say or need to justify…