
Then again, my favorite episode (Dinner with Abed) is so Harmon-ish I can't imagine anyone else pitching that idea, let alone making it work. So I'm arguing with myself.

It takes hundreds of people to make a good show.

I really liked the 'whimsy' of Britta and Troy's elaborate ruse to shield Abed from their relationship, but there is absolutely no reason to kill the joke with Abed revealing he knew it was a ruse all a long. It's too easy a punchline for a setup that was so elaborate (and fun!).

I liked the opening and Britta throughout the episode, but yeah, a lot of DOA jokes and missed opportunities. I thought Donald struggled to mine any kind of humor out of his material.

Dan Harmon co-wrote Monster House. There's no way he worked on Toy Story.

I don't know when the hell it happened, but I actually like Justin Timberlake's new single,  and I'm actually looking forward to him hosting.

I actually think The Rock would have been good playing the Nicolas Cage role in The Rock.

Of all the modern action stars out there, he's the most athletic, legitimately 'dangerous', and the most charismatic.

One day The Rock will get good material. One day.

Fuck I hate art now. The only thing I hate more is 'anti-art.'

Probably the only thing Mickey Rourke was ever right about is that Eric Roberts deserves another big break. Eric Roberts is probably the kind of actor Nicholas Cage thinks he is.

I really don't know, but I think Roberts had a drug problem in the 90's, and Julia Roberts sided with his ex-girlfriend at the time over the custody of Emma.

Oh god. You're absolutely right, that's exactly what she is. Thank you for ruining Alison Brie for me, you Grinch.

You're obviously not familiar with Harper Lee and her estate.

What I love about Gilbert is that it's obvious that they asked Giancarlo to basically play Gus.

Is it just me, or are some of the actors struggling to find the motivation/humor in their characters? Chevy, Danny and Alison seem a little adrift, but Gillian, Donald and Yvette absolutely killed in this episode. I don't know if it's the material they're working with, the direction they're getting, or if Gillian,


I was boring my wife with this subject as well. Without the Office and 30 Rock, and the failure of every other NBC comedy to even develop a following, Community is actually in a great position to be renewed. Nobody gives a shit about Go On or Whitney.


Marc Maron and Michael Keaton swear by the AA bible, I was thinking about picking it up …