
God I wish I had Sean O'Neal's job of talking shit about everything all day.

God I wish I had Sean O'Neal's job of talking shit about everything all day.

Martin Short is on my mental list of genuinely talented comedic performers with apparently horrible, horrible agents. Somewhere between Dana Carvey and Dana Gould.

Martin Short is on my mental list of genuinely talented comedic performers with apparently horrible, horrible agents. Somewhere between Dana Carvey and Dana Gould.

Personally, I can see myself enjoying stand-up comedy.

Personally, I can see myself enjoying stand-up comedy.

'Condescending' is not trusting people to react to your criticism or opinions with maturity and grace.

"That interaction when Aubrey couldn’t understand Arsenio’s race-based reasons not to tap-dance? Awk. Ward."

My god, I never thought about it like this before.

The secret to making (dumb) clients happy is literally parroting what they say in a meeting back to them.

@avclub-8c6dcc4e048cbce98d9881c6880303e1:disqus I know it's hard to understand unless you've managed creative people before, but putting up with divas and bullshit and keeping everyone from quitting IS doing something. Managing their egos is actually one of the most stressful things you can do.

@avclub-130f14e3e5c0263f013b56d8c212f26a:disqus  Paul actually would have been VERY helpful with this project.

I think the combination of the slogan 'You earned it', with the shot of a super-hot lady nuzzling a man's chest, does make the overall concept feel little a little too pompous or arrogant for making men's fashion these days. It's the kind of marketing you associate with the 80's.

@avclub-383d3906a81567a4790639391dc4ecd7:disqus I think I predicted a couple of weeks ago that Penn was going to win the Mark McGrath prize for competently executing an idea that a client, for what ever reason, just hated.

@avclub-e9308ddd417ab6c88042a71f916af7a5:disqus I was just listening to Penn's podcast, and he openly admitted to doing the show primarily for publicity and selling tickets to Penn and Teller — selling his craft tirelessly is pretty much what makes him stinking rich — but then being surprised how much more exposure

I didn't really know or care who Lisa Lampanelli was, but I do now. Her behaviour on this show makes me actively hate her.

@avclub-e9308ddd417ab6c88042a71f916af7a5:disqus There was also a 3-year period when Arsenio was arguably one of the most famous and influential people in America. He was one the cover of Time Magazine for pete's sake!

@avclub-383d3906a81567a4790639391dc4ecd7:disqus oooooohhhh really? Didn't know.

God, I miss Jim Henson. He took what he loved and built an entire world around it for people to contribute to.

Penn might be the most overqualified person ever on Celebrity Apprentice.