
Penn was the professor emeritus this episode. He was just dropping maturity-bombs left and right.

Yeah, it's regrettable that neither Penn nor Clay stepped up to the plate … but then again, they both had to go on stage and perform in a couple of hours, and Lisa was WAAAAAAY too crazy to be reasoned with.

Yes, it's an honor.

Lisa's two-faced hypocrisy was astounding. First, she dismisses Dayana's legitimate contribution to the project (designing a puppet) as meaningless and then she openly suggests that Dayana's doesn't respect people that work behind-the-scenes in the boardroom.

So calling a woman a whore is wrong, but calling one a spic is forgivable?

I pretty much assumed Lou being a meathead idiot was already understood by everyone.

I think Lisa is out next week. She's pretty much on the brink of implosion.

Party of Four: because even though she's a complete piece of shit, her snarky, backhanded compliments are  … I can barely make myself say it … funny.

Yeah, the derogatory use of the word whore as exists in a strange grey area along the gradient of acceptable and unacceptable slander. A person would have to be exceptionally depraved and misanthropic to justify calling them a whore.

I don't think calling Aubrey a whore came from a 'sexist' place, but it did come from a politically insensitive place. It's hard to believe that Arsenio is actually sexist.

I think Arsenio will outlast Penn.

cliff: Arsenio's career floundered because his landmark 90's urban hip-hop image got lost in a sea of grunge, rap-rock and early reality TV.

Paul Sr. seems like far too normal and independently successful to be there, honestly … and he knows it! He knows he's far better off sitting back quietly near the catering table than getting involved in all the celebrity hulabaloo.

Clay basically was sick of Penn being a know-it-all and took Lou under his wing to spite him.

Judging by the preview Lisa seems ready to detonate.

I like Penn, but I have to take the Clay Aiken's side. Some things are more important than Art. Like charity.

To be perfectly honest, Arsenio wasn't a very funny comedian. He was just smooth.

I'm sure the Arsenio and rest of the team (particularly Clay) see it the opposite way — that Aubrey should be grateful to him for giving her so much slack.

Aubrey is the kind of person who's contribution is defined by how much you do or do not kiss her ass. Arsenio could have easily but his foot down, but as Aubrey illustrated on Tia Carrera's project, she would likely shut down and bitch her way through the rest of the project.

I used to like Lisa. I can't tell if this is her true personality coming out, or the stress of the show has tangled her mind into a web of psychosis and rage.