
Aubrey is like a lot of young designers that you meet, straight out of art school, that trying to take over the world with their first job. They have a lot of passion and ideas, but are also divas that have no idea how to deal with people or get things done in an amicable way.

Of course Aubrey was right about the picture on the walking kit. It's how she solves and handles problems that everyone on her team had issue with — that she always knows best and being managed is beneath her. When you have to beg someone on your team just to look at a picture, something is wrong (nevermind that it

The cruelty and genius of Arsenio's takedown was his ability to atomize and deconstruct Aubrey's actions and words as they were happening, explaining how even her handling of a box illustrated her lack of respect or awareness of anything outside herself — effectively kicking the tentpole out from underneath her

If people ever watched Arsenio Hall's talk show, they would know that Arsenio is more than capable of calling bullshit on people when he sees it.

Aubrey, to her credit, is a masterful player. By dominating the women's team from the get-go, she had brainwashed the entire team into thinking she was indispensible.

It was really satisfying to see Arsenio call bullshit on her and watch the other men co-sign it. Despite getting emotional afterwards, Arsenio was pretty much dead-on with his assessment of Aubrey's character her in the boardroom and why people don't want to work with her. She's a bully, plain and simple.


O'Neal just couldn't help himself.

I used to stay up late on school nights just to watch Arsenio. He's wasn't much of a comedian but he was a incredibly likeable, hip, smoooooooooth talk show host.

Katy Perry didn't have to do this. She has big boobs.

Damn, Dumb fandom fan, we're practically the same nerd.

I don't think Donald had anything against her. I think he was bummed that she took so long for her to step up to the plate. She's obviously a personable, well-spoken, competent woman.

I'm waiting for Arsenio to go into Angry Arsenio rage mode.

I'm surprised by how competent some players on the men's team are. Penn, Paul, Arsenio, Adam, Andretti — all these guys have run some big shows/businesses.

Yeah. Clay reminding him that the group wasn't a team of comedy writers was spot on. They had 24 hours to make something competent, which is hard enough.

I think Lisa does deserve credit. Making a living as a comic is hard-as-balls.

Ugh, you're probably right. Aubrey is going to be the biggest sham finalist since Joan Rivers.

It's funny how the three women that insist that they are the best players on the show probably have the least amount of experience actually owning and/or operating a business. They're stereotypical bitter creatives. "It's not my fault they won't recognize my GENIUS!"

Is it me, or did both Tia and Adam Corolla come off as surprisingly competent project managers?

Most people believe in shit and don't really know why.