
Penn greatest strength and weakness is that he's a know-it-all. Because of that he's a natural skeptic — he'll question anything he's not confident in.

There's three shows I follow and read AV Club reviews of: Louie, Breaking Bad and this.

Spoiler time, but I had a few issues with the whole poisoning gambit.

I just realized, they still haven't addressed the small matter of someone discovering Ted's lifeless body covered in oranges.

Ah, I just watched that episode the other day. That was fucking magical.

even less then a week … I think four or five days (based on Walt and Hank being out of commission for a few days after the car accident).

I've been thinking about this episode (and checking the comments) intermittently all week, which is NOT normal.

Alfonso Cuaron would make a really interesting Twilight Zone, imo

Hector is going to be pivotal either by the end of this season or the next. He shockingly knows almost everything that is happened … Walt and Jesse's encounter with Tuco, the circumstances of Hank's shooting, and now mass poisoning. He'll be the one pointing the finger at all the guilty parties, which I imagine he

That is definitely Mike's voice. Wuddupwithat?

I'm lucky because I didn't start watching until the third season. Right now I'm budgeting an episode a day from the first two seasons to tide me over … but I'm slowly running out of awesome.

Yup, it's been 24 hours, and I'm still thinking about how awesome this show is.

Forgot Walt has also paid Saul for all kinds of services. 'Criminal' lawyers aren't cheap!

With the tip form Saul, the DEA will obviously realize that Hank's investigation into Gus had some kind of validity, and at the very least investigate further.

You better fucking RECOGNIZE!!!!!!!

He makes $7.5 million a year, or $625,000 a month. I'm not sure how long Walter's been working for Gus. But $617,000 to the IRS plus the $800,000 for the carwash is $1.4 million. If he's been working for Gus for 3 months, that would give him $1.8 million, leaving him about a $100,000 short or more when you factor in

You know, they really do try to pack in too much in an episode. Hoarding Wife + Potato Gun Competition + Thirteen coming out of prison + Taub getting back together with his wife is a little much.

You've been seduced by the pastiche and aesthetic of 'sophistication'.

Why are there only one or two or three CIA agents on the case?
Why does the CIA have an underground fortress in Morocco?
How did Nic Heller know that they would take his daughter there?
Why train her to be a killing machine at all if the intent was keep her identity secret and return to civilization?

Great Actors. Great Director. Shitty, Shitty Script.
I actually enjoyed this movie, but Scott really nails it on the head.