
Why Chris Brown?
Any comment from SNL on why and how this ass got on the show in the first place?

Who's forgiven Mel Gibson? He's pretty much done.

I'm just glad that Omar Epps got to do something this episode.

This is why I love AV Club
Son & Daughters, Vulgar Boatmen. Never knew they existed but really great stuff.

Really, better than the Jim Carrey episode?

I Got Nothin': Hahaha. You got me, dude.

OH GOD that single sketch puts the current season to same.

I would like to take a brief moment …
to revel in schadenfreude.

That's all I got to say.

Best Action Sequences of the past decade?
The tumbling fight in the hotel hallway has to one of them.

We're going to agree to disagree about the Bat Sonar. I thought the idea that Batman could map the entire city with mobile phones was a little far-fetched and unnecessary, and hurt the character a bit.

Alright, I just re-watched the Dark Knight, like two seconds ago, because I'm still riding my post-Inception high and I'm a massive nerd.

I will give it another chance. My only recollection is that everything after the Joker/Two-Face confrontation seemed like a bit of a let down.

I haven't seen Toy Story 3. It's not that I don't like Pixar movies, it just has no appeal to me, for whatever reason.

About that Avatar nomination: good point.

No. Bat Sonar is moronic. He really let himself down with the third act of that movie.

OHHHH MAN yes there was.

PT Anderson is the best director of our generation.

Spinning Top: Happened at my theatre, too.

Yeah … I guess Inception is just one of those movies that's hard to describe.