
They actually constructed a 100 foot hallway that was suspended and rotated along four axes/tracks, in all directions, by two giant motors. Like a hallway in a giant hamster wheel.

Yes Murray, I think you got the timing of Saito death right.

You're suffering from post-cool movie nerd-chills.

After reading these comments, I wonder if we're hyping this movie too much. It does remind me a little of the Matrix, where I left the movie excited by how many ideas and how much potential was just jam-packed into it. Now, when I look back on the Matrix I just think about how corny it is, or how the world the

I asked my girlfriend the exact same question. She seemed to recall a rapid fire explanation, that due to their sedated state, people in a shared dream state go to limbo if they die in a dream. And the limbo largely consists of whoever subconscious mind has already been there (Leo's).

His best movie since Mememto …
Which is saying a lot, considering even Prestige and Insomnia really weren't that bad.

Anything that pulls Rick Moranis out of retirement …
… is a good idea. He's just one of those funny, seemingly decent guys I want to see get some recognition.

was better.

It's great to see this movie added to the canon.
I must have been ten years old when I first saw this … I remember this being the coolest shit ever. Fifteen years later I forced my whitebread girlfriend to watch it, and was relieved by how good it actually was.

It's ambitious shots like this that make Hard Boiled stand the test of time.

Lifetime Pass …
for Mamet.

Super Mario 3 …
is still, I feel, the ulitmate Mario game. I still can't believe they shoved that much creativity in 4 megs.


I'm a straight man, and I've seen some gay porn. It's actually hilarious.

I always though his surreality was a lot more imaginative and admirable than Jackass' depravity.

I remember when Forbidden Kingdom came out, I told my girlfriend at the time, "Listen—we're seeing this movie. And there is a very good chance it's going to really, really bad. But Jackie Chan and Jet Li fight in it. I've been waiting for this for twenty years."

I hear you Dallben.

Nathan Rabin …
I'll read anything he writes. Seriously. I just happen to find the things he finds interesting … interesting. Except for his antipathy for John Hughes. In this regard, John Hughes is the awesome and Nathan Rabin is a sweaty asshole.

Transformers, the original animated movie.