

Blackberry taped to a hunting knife. That's pretty stupid … and hilarious.

Letterman seems like a prick to me. That's what makes him watchable.

Automatic Jack,

My point is that Conan was kind of doomed from the start, and I don't think more time at the 11:30 slot would make a difference. Conan's appeal, and the appeal of the show, is more limited than I thought (and I'm one of nerds that secretly hoped he would suddenly get the recognition and glory he deserved.)

The problem with Conan …
Conan doesn't take himself seriously. His guests don't take him seriously, and his audience doesn't take him seriously. That's kind of the point. And while that's all good and fun and hilarious, it really limits the kind of comedy and entertainment that Conan can facilitate.

I don't think Conan's has gotten worse …
… but his guests have. The A-list celebrties and mmm-bob pop bands are way to image conscious to engage Conan in an entertaining way. Conan is a goof, and his guests have to be willing to play along and laugh at themselves a bit for the show to work.

Mocking Tobias for preferring It's Complicated to Avatar is a little silly, too, but totally fun and hilarious.


This just in: AV CLUB hates movie,
Rest of World Shrugs!

Only legitimate 'event' movie this year.
People are still posting in this thread, eh?

"Kinkade's detractors also dislike him because his work is fucking terrible."
Ah yes. It suuuure is.

Just to clarify, James Cameron's movies are 'serious' in the sense they are melodramatic, and want you to become invested in the characters and worlds he creates. But I don't think he's trying to be 'deep' or impress anyone with his insight. He's quite deliberate and open about making work that appeals to as many

It's cool if people like the Matrix better, but I don't think it's THAT much better. It mostly just caught people off guard. It's premise was DUMB (what, these super-smart robots haven't heard of hydroelectricity or nuclear fission?), but necessary to accomodate mid-air slow motion kung-fu fighting … which was cool.

I noticed that too. It's more of an inside joke than anything else, one that's used in a lot of industries. People that point at the term as 'proof'' of how bad the movie is are just reveling in their hating.

A B-rating, I say.
Just saw it in 3-D IMAX. It was simple, sentimental, loaded with gee-whiz special effects and displays of growling macho-heroism. It was exactly the kind of movie you expect James Cameron to make.

Overrated. The acting and script was pretty clunky.

What 25th Hour that good?
I'm not being facetious. I have only seen it once and remember not thinking that much of it at the time. I mean, what does Barry Pepper's 9-in cock have to do with anything?

Ahhhh …
it's nice to be able to come to TV Club and not have to bitch and complain about something. House is like following a really average sports team now .. lately it's been ass, but every once in a while it knocks one out of the park.

I can get on board with a lot of things. But Fall Out Boy is asking too much.