
dude … this thread is like a hundred pages long. I can't comb through everything. For the sake of civility let's cut each other some slack here.

Anyone? Anyone?

Boris rules. But I forgot to bring earplugs. I never knew good music could cause actual, physical pain.


His voice is AMAZING

I used to like Postal Service …
but then my balls dropped!

I was really into Tool … when I was sixteen. But there's just something really immature about that band. With their sappy lyrics, self-serious image and oh-so sacred CD packages.

No love for Thrones?

Hmmmmm …
Don't get me wrong, I liked Deftone's White Pony … but does that still count as metal?

Sigh … You're right guys. It's not the most PERFECT, most INNOVATIVE, most ORIGINAL movie ever. It's only really really good and entertaining and worth watching more then once.

For chrissakes!
Me and Nathan have the exact same taste.

Ahhh … considering the amount of people I meet that miss the point of the movie entirely, or insist that the script and plot twist doesn't make sense when it actually does, I don't see how this movie can be overrated.

Maybe it's just me, but a Coen brothers porno would actually be hilarious …

Darjeeling wasn't bad … just felt like he was repeating himself.

And yes, how anyone can think Christmas Carol is aesthetically pleasing is beyond me. Someone needs to rip Zemeckis' computer gizmos out of his hands.

Thanks Contrarian. Something was bothering me about the footage, and you pretty much nailed it.

Oh reeeeeeeaaaaaaaaalllly … if that's the case, I'll see it.

Number 1 Pet Peeve
When people equate charming,'retro' and 'naive' with lazy, poorly crafted and clumsy.

The most crushing scene is seeing how pathetically thankful Arthur's parents are to the Student Loan Adminstrator, for giving them the opportunity to repay $900 in debt. It's amazing how $900 means so much to Arthur's family and future, and so little to adminstrator that is actually enforcing the policy.

Jim: you're being a little caustic and over-the-top here, but you touch on the core of this film.