
Best movie of 1994.
Yup, better than Pulp Fiction and Crumb.

It's not the ridiculousness that bugs me … It's just feels like they're raising and dropping ideas willy nilly, and throwing craziness at the wall to see what sticks.

These plots used to be plausible … !
Kind of sort of not really.

I was on board until Chase plotted against and killed an African Dictator. If that ain't jumping the shark, I don't know what is.


Thanks, unregistered nickname.

In defense of Foreman …
I like the Foreman character. He's the closest representation of how an actual good doctor would react to House's shenanigans, and the contrast helps the audience understand how crazy House decisions and actions are from a medical perspective.

True, true … I guess I was expecting a bit more rock bottom before House pulled himself out of misery … or I expected the recovery/redemption process to be much more difficult.

But the moments don't WORK if they're not EARNED, right?

I don't want to speak for all the haters here …
but I think the big issue with this episode was that House's redemption didn't feel earned. I mean, we all want to see the characters mature and evolve. But they spent 5 episodes (and 5 seasons) developing his fall from grace.

I'm with Zack.

Worst. Episode. Ever?
Seriously, I'm having trouble coming up with a worse episode.

His whole more-is-more-or-whatever approach really grew on me while watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. It felt … um … 'appropriately aimless.'

"Shut up you fucking baby". Dang it.


I'm sorry …
But I read the first chapter, and that first chapter is definitely a F. It's a rambling, painfully uninsightful mess.

He's an asshole that doesn't realize he's an asshole. He believes people should sympathize with him because he cares enough to 'tell it like it is', and if anything, the rest of the world is a bunch of assholes for trying to just by, take care of their responsibilities and not working on being cooler or more amusing

Just re-read my work. You're right. I suck!

Does Hugh Hefner's photo have EARS??????
You have time to clip out an exotic car but not enough to delete the logo from behind Hef's head?

Joe, Can I interest you in MY legal services?
No, I have no law experience. But as I graphic designer, I can certainly construct a better Powerpoint and defense then THAT.