
Formula for success
(Focus on one thing regardless of initial qualifications) X (since forever) = Following = TV show.

I had no interest in seeing this movie …
Until I read the comments here. Now I have to see it.

If Donny knows anything, it's douches.

yes missa. We are playing hot or not now.

James Cameron movies …
aren't all that bad as far as popcorn movies go. I remember watching the original Terminator for the first time just a couple of years ago. It's really dated and ludicrous but the man sure can stage an action sequence.

Monster House ruled? Really? I actually didn't see it because of how bad it looked.

Wall-E's final act hinges on an anti-consumerist/anti-consumption message, despite being distributed by a conglomerate that promotes and distributes some of most pointless junk in the world, markets directly to kids, etc.

The answer: your internet connection sucks. Or you've run out of disk space. Or you've maxed out your memory by running too many programs at once.

I actually think it looks good.
I'm noticing subtle things about the FX that aren't ground breaking, but certainly raise the bar. The motion capture of the aliens looks great. And the camera movement has a natural quality that would be very difficult to storyboard or animate in a conventional way.

I would be pleasantly surprised if it was like Dark Crystal.

WWYND: Of course Kurt wrote it. His sense of composition is all over it. It's pretty easy to imagine his voice singing his songs, the same way it's easy to imagine Billy Corgan singing the singles off of Celebrity Skin.

I know people like Ferris. They're not going to sing on a float, but they can talk their way in and out of any situation. They're not assholes, but they're not going to apologize to someone for getting away with something YOU WISH you could get away with.

To paraphrase the janitor in the Breakfast Club, "The teenagers and the movie didn't change, Scott did."

Breakfast Club and Stereotypes
Isn't complaining about the stereotyping in the Breakfast Club a lot like complaining about the drug abuse in Trainspotting?

I'd rank him way ahead of Britney Spears/MacDonalds,behind Terence Malick/PT Anderson, and somewhere in the the Quentin Tarantino/Spike Lee range of 'thing-makers'.

Hey there … it's not fair to judge a person's work based on the mediocrity of the work it influenced. If we judged a man based on the sins of his followers, we'd have to revoke Hitchcock's free pass for giving us M Night Shymalan, and flog Jesus again for all that bad shit that happened.

Well what about ….baaaaaaaaaahhh I gave it a shot.

I just watched the Breakfast Club. I'd recommend giving it another shot. It's his first film, even though it was released after 16 Candles. I think people denigrate the film when they dismiss Breakfast Club as another teen melodrama, when in actuality Breakfast Club basically INVENTED the genre. Keep in mind, when

So when measuring a classic, the masses don't matter, but the opinions of academics and aesthetes do?
