
My hair is waist length and my position's always been that I'd be willing to dip my head into a bucket of zombie crap EVERY time I left shelter. Tie that crap up into a bun and it'll take days to dry out the smell. (Unconsciously outing the time I washed my hair, put it into a bun, didn't bother undoing bun for three

Also noticed this. "Hey, they have sentimental value, man."

Who do we think was blasting the horn back at Alexandria?

Where's Iain Malcolm with his flare when you need him?

And why don't they trip over anything? Let's be honest, I saw a lot of dragging feet and some large twigs on the road.

Definitely. At first I thought that was what they were doing (barricading), it seemed so obvious a solution. Then… wait. WTF? And I just went along with it.

Explaining why Rick has turned into Shane.

Maybe he's been talking to the director of Hannibal. If he is - stop it. No better way to ruin a show than telling each of your individual directors to treat each episode specifically like an indie art film, not a TV show.

And now they're the most sexless couple alive. I don't know if marriage is treating them well.

Yeah, Tyrese in particular I think didn't need to die. Character-wise I found him more interesting than half the others.

Morgan's the shit. No doubt about it.

Yes. Loved this. Morgan's the man to put your money on, I'd say.

Yeah, but I still kind of miss Herschel. Don't remember his wife at all though.

Hey, man, I came in late in the game too. No shame in it, especially for the first episode. Kind of like the first week at uni: you know it's all just plate-setting stuff you don't need to be there for, with the real shit kicking off in week 2.

His priest outfit is also immaculate. He's excellent at ironing.

I think he was fine to begin with, most likely Mr Nice Guy.

THIS is what Hannibal did to me last season! I came online and everyone was talking about Bedelia on the plane at the end and I was like, "What plane scene? Bedelia? I think I'd remember that?" and then I realized they played it AFTER the credits. I found out here on the AV Club. I was a bit annoyed, honestly, that

Still gotta see how that one pans out… but I don't see Sansa dying.

Yeah. Honestly, I'm not buying into the all the knife metaphors and what that might mean as a legitimate reason for Will killing Hannibal this way. As they're casually walking along the street, headed nowhere specific. It's hard to buy that Hannibal knew what Will was going to do or that Chiyo was protecting him,

Yeah. As much as I liked the character at the time, I was grateful we didn't see another Abigail flashback. It takes you immediately out of the present - which wouldn't be a bad thing if these background holes really needed filling - but they really don't. Last week's Abigail scene took up a large chunk of time that