
Let's just skip to her parkour moment from the trailer. That seemed cool.

I see what you mean. I felt the sadness of it, but through a general sense of the show going to great stylistic ends to create a vibe of "BIG EMOTIONAL REVEAL HERE!!!!!" which is often very distracting.

Notice how Littlefinger can't even convey a seemingly convincing sense of sympathy even in this scene with Sansa? His face changes into what could be explained as wincing pain, but his voice is so slithery that even in this scene you want to doubt him. You sense that we're supposed to believe he is genuinely atoning

(Sorry, experts here, no spoilers, just a vibe): I think we're supposed to feel that once young Hodor has his fit, he is so traumatized that his memory is gone and from the seizure onwards, Willas/Hodor doesn't see what's coming. That is, he does not possess the mental capacity to live a life filled with knowledge of

Yeah, I certainly wouldn't question her about it.

This is what happens when you're 14 and have too many reddit tabs open.

Peggy is more fun than Marie from Breaking Bad, but I always saw Marie as one of the true survivors from that show because her selfishness doesn't allow her to wallow in normal human mourning, guilt, or anything substantial.

Oh hell yeah. I know I'm late to the game here, but I have to say: I love the Coen brother's work and The Big Lebowski is one of my favourite films… and I also perhaps preferred the first series to this one…

Michonne seems like the right kind of leader.


I saw Jurassic World (I will watch shitty films willingly for a glance at a dinosaur or dragon). Her character was very annoying - an uptight career-obsessed businesswoman of power, always on her guard and forgetful of other's emotions. She seems to run the park and has responsibility for looking after her sister's

Some good damned points here. This woman clearly needs a pasta-maker. It's not her first reference to it. GET HER THE PASTA-MAKER. By the way, what was up with Carol dropping her facade with a fierce anti-smoking comment? Everyone in the room (both in the show and my house) went: "Um… okay?" We now know it's smoking


Yep, that was the general shout-out at my house too.

Actually, though I didn't notice this episode being convenient in confirming Rick's stance until I read the review (I was on reddit before watching, it may have made me dumber), this DID piss me off.

Geez Louise. I watched the first episode of this show when it first came out and remember thinking, "this is like some awful version of Batman crossed with Hamlet," but I've been told by everyone I like/respect that since a chunky start, it's awesome.

This has cleared up the same question for me. TY guys.

He DID lie a bit though. I noticed he was still rocking Party At The Back Business At The Front, but it HAD been trimmed.

Agreed. B rating probably. Good feeling about next ep, though.