
Yeah. Not to mention that when he gets home, he'll look at his copy and think, "This is a piece of crap. It's not even eatable."

Curators are a breed of human without humour. They believe that whenever anyone cracks a joke, somewhere a unique painting accelerates its rate of decay by 5%.

(EDIT: This is Karene Arundell. I got booted from disqus and I'm using my AV Club account.)

The water drop turns into a blood drop.

(Karene here, I have no idea why disqus keeps switching me between my AV Club account and disqus account).

Jack is the only character who is grounded in reality - thank God. Note how the segues into the unnecessarily surreal disappear when he’s around? After four episodes of impressive but totally excessive and distracting imagery, it’s good to see an episode with a story that’s real and rooted in an environment we know

Loving the profile pic, btw. (Giving you the thumbs up as everyone in the room is gassed.)

If Dracula had a boy scout character, that would be Will.

Hannibal is certainly gorgeous looking and I enjoy it, but I agree that it is not always substantive. Think about if the story line for this episode had been shown as a straight narrative: we haven't learnt much. Gillian Anderson's character and Hannibal are still involved in a horrifying mental game that resembles

I think within the context of the show at least, we're supposed to think that Drogon is at risk of death (particularly if more Harpies arrive). He looks torn and has spears sticking all out of him. The books highlight the survival nature of dragons better: they are not basically unstoppable killing machines until they

This. Exactly what I was thinking. Especially based on two things that seem clear:
1. We know enough of Davos's character that Shireen's death would horrify him, both personally and morally. The bonding scene between Davos-Shireen in this episode reinforces that.
2. They kept in the part from the books where Sansa finds

Thank God Tywin at least died on the john…

Actually I can't recall if he ever served a purpose aside from being a fairly likeable peripheral character.

True. Come to think of it… maybe I should try touching something really, really hot to see if it leaves burn marks. "Karene Targaryen." I like it.

Pod's death will be some Benny Hill type escapade where naked women chase him over the edge of a cliff.

Oh yeah. Cersei's chapters were my favourite in that book, and her chapters are still among my top POV characters of all the books.

It's also in large part owing to the fact that book-Tommen is 9 going on 10. Once I adjusted and rewatched the scene, the discomfort fell away quite a bit.

And it's pointedly described, too - and specific to Margaery alone.

True, true. And the scene where Margaery convinces him to wave by her side to the crowd outside the Sept (while Cersei rushes after her little Joff) was definitely evidence of Joffrey being bewitched by Margaery, utterly.

I watched this with a newbie, by the way, and they didn't catch all that Greyscale stuff. It was too scattered. I asked her at the end what she thought "Stonemen" were and she looked at me like I was speaking another language. I think it all came out a bit disjointedly.