
I was a bit "meh" over Margaery being decisively catty. It made her seem immature, unaware. Of COURSE Cersei would take revenge on her; I actually prefer the Book-Margaery who keeps her cards close to her chest. This scene reminded me a bit of Dynasty… "bitch!" (slap) "Bitch!" (slap) "Bitch!" (slap). The one major

Yep. And beware the perfumed seneschal.

The sort of horn that will melt the horn-blower in his/her spot, I guess…

Hey, I'll bite. What's up with the dusky woman? Who's she working for? Has her tongue really been cut out? Where's the proof? *glances around for errant tongue*

I swear the Queensmoot went on for longer than an Entmoot. But that's what happens when you throw thousands of barely-referenced Iron Islanders into a political situation. Tabled this motion is…. or is it?

At least it's better than Cersei's I-Rule-And-I-Rule-Alone thinking. Which admittedly makes for better viewing, if not wise decision-making.

I know, right - she's like a rug on Valium.

This is the first season where I actually find Jon Snow's scenes pretty awesome. Stannis will do that to you, though.

Hmmmph, to me this screamed Retired Hitman Drawn In For One Final Big Kill cliche. I know Bronn's awesome, but it's like they just threw him in there because people love him. It's not necessarily organic, this buddy-partnering.

Aww, I wasn't the first to get to the Krieger reference.

Actually I thought they laid it on pretty thick. It was a bit Franken-obvious.

I'm with Qyborg. It sounds like a name Krieger (jazz hands) would approve of.

Overly confirmed, I think. I laughed out loud at Frankenstein shushing his monster to quiet. Maybe Dany should have used multiple chains, not one, on her dragons.

In fact, Sansa spent her entire time in King's Landing in a perpetual state of terror. As others have pointed out, in any given Sansa-in-danger-in-King's-Landing scene, Arya would be dead. Arya kicks arse out in the wild, but she doesn't have the ability to hold her tongue when, say, Joffrey is pointing a crossbow at

No, go with smarm.

Yeah, I can't help myself. No one can ever take that smarm away from us. No one.

What MarioEG is pointing out is that the books will follow their own direction, not what's happening on screen. Most book fans are keenest to get their hands on the next books (or scraps of chapters released by GRRM) than what happens on the show - which without the author's assistance will make an enormous difference

I know, but every season has "the biggest shock yet" coming and I still haven't found anything to top The Red Wedding, and as book-readers we even saw it coming.

Yeah. I was thinking, "Sansa won't go through all that torture again (after Joffrey)… will she?" and then it occurred to me: the writers are probably going to make Ramsay genuinely fall in love with Sansa, to the point where he won't hurt her. It's so inconsistent and awful, it might even happen.

Travel times and pacing have become more and more confusing in general.