
Yeah I do. Agree with SG Standard. I think new female leads (or a significant one, e.g. Clarice) will be brought in.

I think Jack Crawford is too much of a staple character to kill off. Chilton's death was too early, in my opinion - they could have had more fun with him. But he was a fairly minor character in the series. I think people associate the name "Jack Crawford" too much with the Hannibal empire to kill him off. I agree that

Actually, most of the newbies who look up spoilers would probably recognize "Lady Stoneheart" but not "Cat".

I didn't really care about the change and couldn't believe this had become such an issue… but the more I think about it and read the comments, I realize some newbies I know in real life would definitely say, "What?" or "Huh?" and ask me for clarification on this one if he'd said, "Only Cat."

I didn't get it either and I'm up on the lingo. I thought. L+R=J is the most common acronym I see.

It was one of my favourite scenes; I remembered the line; I didn't mind the change. It's all about the presence of that moon door, people. First inanimate object to be nominated for Best Supporting Actor/Actress In A Supporting Role (Drama) Emmy after the Maria LaGuerta Bench was sorely overlooked in the final series

Loved also the translation of POV chapter recollections (a young Cersei twisting Tyrion's penis until Jaime stopped her) to screen via Oberyn's memory of a visit to Casterly Rock. (I can't remember for sure it was in a Cersei POV chapter, but I don't remember Oberyn being the one to recall this. Book-wise.)

Wow. Myles did a great job. I love VanDerWerff's take on things and I didn't notice any quality difference with these reviews. I love the picture at the top and the caption. The Hound looks like he's got old-school metal braces here and is being hugged by an obsessive fan who ran on set in Extras clothing. Hound-Hulk

Best Varys personality assessment I've read.

At least in Hannibal the gore works in context. In something like American Horror Story, gore and horror are there for the sake of gore and horror alone.

I literally screamed in laughter/joy at Hannibal's facial expression when Merger jabs his father's hunting knife into Lecter's expensive leather chair. HERE is the Hannibal Lecter we've come to know, the psychopath who fits no profile and has no defining trait except for a disdain for rude people ("free range rude, he

I keep forgetting Tom Hardy is an actor. This movie's got pastoral England written all over it.

This is the douchiest, nastiest thing I think I've written on the AV Club, ever. But… WOW. The reviewer's comment "I laid it out all out for you guys; Jack could not let Will kill whoever he wants to, willy nilly, to catch one, decidedly evil, guy" caught my attention and I can't let it go. Thank you, God, for

It was clunky, yeah. We could be kind and suggest it may be a sign that Lysa is the type to not keep her mouth shut. Littlefinger reminds her afterwards that by not talking about it, it makes the act non-existent; she nods as though she's heard this speech several times before. The scene with Sansa is certainly enough

I think the best example of a show that started off strong and went to utter crap is a tie between Dexter and Big Love.

Littlefinger looks at Sansa in a way that would normally have anyone worried. In the world of Westeros, however, it looks like being the object of Littlefinger's sexual fascination (if that's what it is) might be the only thing that saves you.

Yeah. I hoped this would get more of a reaction from newbies than the review indicated. It's kind of a major thing - "Ahem, everyone and everything might have been just fine, along with Ned Stark keeping his head, if it wasn't for Littlefinger and Catelyn's Even-Crazier-Than-We-Thought sister." Remember, no Lannister

I think it was a brilliant way to speed up Cersei's further desecration of The Crown's debt through her stupid political maneuvering. And to a book reader who focuses more on characters and mysteries (Night's King, etc) rather than remembering every sentence about The Iron Bank and the Lannister's precise wealth at

Agree with all of that, but I find the show to be much smarter than most shows on television. And much smarter than 95% of films coming out at the moment. Maybe I'm a Hannibal apologist - I tend to be forgiving towards shows I love (Game of Thrones, for example). The actor who played Chilton was awesome, and Michael

Not a vision I remember you seeing in the House of the Undying, princess.