
My brother still doesn't know why his Chupa Chups keep disappearing from his bag. My dog is awesome when it comes to breakfast in bed.

Hello, The Onion reference… nicely done.

And since when did Westeros represent modern culture? It's more medieval, if anything, and spoiler: women were MUCH more oppressed in those days.

PS The scene at Craster's where the men are being told to rape the women until they're dead - and we see them viciously doing this - is a LOT worse for my money.

Untrue, I'm afraid. Every female I know noted Cersei seemed to respond to Jaime and, at worst, the scene was an expression of Jaime exerting what little power he had left over Cersei. Does that entirely justify what he did? No. But since when was Jaime a straight-up good guy? Do I have to mention all the awful stuff

Frankly, I've been raped in real life and the Cersei-Jaime scene didn't bring back any traumatic flashbacks. It's too much of an insane situation to begin with (incestuous siblings) to draw a parallel. And none of my female friends saw the "rape" scene as rape either.

Wow. So does the fact that Bran didn't die - despite the fact that Jaime certainly intended to kill him - exonerate Jaime completely of that act? It's only through sheer luck (or Bran's fate or whatever as a warg, if you want to justify it in any way) that Bran DIDN'T die. Jaime intended to kill Bran, a child, and

I 100% agree with you, and I'm female and 37 years old. Moreover, every person in my house who witnessed the Jaime-Cersei scene did not perceive it as rape. This was the verdict of (including myself) 5 females and 1 male. Of the females, only two (including myself) have read the books. My mother (a newbie) commented

That's what I thought. Far worse than seeing the power scales tipped in a sex scene between incestuous twins.

In response to claims that George R. R. Martin is a misogynist and, by extension, so is Game of Thrones: in this episode we see quite a few signs of females exerting power here:
1) Sansa finally free to speak her mind. I noticed on the newbies board someone commenting that Sansa "finally shows signs of intelligence".

I think both newbie and experts reviewers however could be slightly punishing the show for not addressing THAT scene between Jaime and Cersei last week. I'm now so sick of the uproar over that scene that I will HAPPILY make a logic-jump and just forget the whole damn scene so we can just, you know, move on without

Could be the new Worst. Film. Ever. Though I think in part we can thank Tom Cruise for that abomination. I'm sure the director showing his good buddy Tom before the final edit, and asking what he thought, had NO impact whatsoever on the final version. An utter abortion.

Agree. Of course he says repeatedly that he knows how it will end, has plotted it all. And perhaps he has. But it doesn't FEEL that way. His early suggestion that the sixth book would be the final one had me thinking "WTF??? You're going to resolve all these arcs - including getting Dany to Westeros with carefully

"God, read a book!" But I'm afraid I'm on Team Tolstoy on this one. Even though he lied about that duel.

I suppose the first question is one of whether what we saw was certainly rape. Re-watching the scene, I certainly saw Cersei responding with her own kisses throughout, even when she was crying “No”. Literally speaking, however, the act was rape. Everything’s there: violent seizure, abuse, violation – despoliation

Agree with all of this. I know Jaime is a fan favourite, but I never took to his character or trusted him as a totally redeemed "good guy". I read the novels all in one go after season 1, and I still involuntarily visualize Jaime pushing Bran out that window often enough whenever he pops up on screen. It felt like he

With all the new characters running around, at the show's start I thought we were seeing a flash-forward with Darryl and Glenn standing together, even though I know TWD doesn't do that. When Bob said he'd killed a woman "because she asked him to", I later thought, "if that was a flash-forward, he could be talking

I didn't notice anything on the other side of the door, but my first thought was also that the zombies had been strategically placed there by Beth's kidnapper, i.e. the guy who had been living in the house. Yes, zombies usually make their groany-voice sound as they approach, and you'd think Darryl and Beth would have

So extremely frustrating that Sevigny had to double-back on her honest statements (I agree with her assessment of the series, thought the interviewer asked smart questions we all wanted answers to - especially Big Love watchers). All because of some publicist and in order to keep a place in the show - she was trapped.

"The Winter Olympics exist so white people can still feel relevant in sport" (paraphrasing - Key & Peele). Seriously, though. Each time any sort of Olympics is on I try to avoid the TV as much as possible, but other house members will stealthily put it on at least once a day. I got briefly drawn into the ice skaters