
Ha ha! I didn't look properly at the article photo, but thought, "This looks like a Game of Thrones rip-off." And Kit Harrington's in it. Just quietly, I feel like Kit Harrington looks like he's in the line at the bank in a lot of his acting scenes. Or maybe it's his pretty-boy face, not sure why I get a vibe of

Not to mention other salient but ignored points, like how the blood splatter pattern from the ripped jugular clearly falls in five distinct areas on the guy's shirt, then five seconds later you can see signs of just four distinct areas. I noted the background extras who died in that scene all showed signs of similar

Maybe it's like rogues in Warcraft - you have to wait for the cooldown.

Actually, thanks. It's good to know there's a payoff in the near future…

Oh, and on rumours that Eccleston declined to appear: thank you, Christopher. It wouldn't have been as awesome with you in it.

Question: Did I miss something really obvious? Who did the War Doctor (John Hurt) regenerate into? The face change didn't seem to reflect either the fifth Doctor he'll become (Peter Davison), nor Tom Baker aka The Curator, nor the new Doctor (Peter Capaldi). I felt like his regeneration into whomever is supposed to be

Just re-watched it… you hear the rattle of chains when The Governor tosses him in, then later very briefly see underwater that one of his feet is chained. So he's stuck there until that foot quickly rots, because the Governor has somehow forgotten their flesh slides away easier than Pinbacker's at the end of Sunshine.

My favourite moment in rewatching is when Jordan first says, "stop pulling my dick," in genuine moral disgust at being lied to. Looking away as though he can't believe Keegan would try it on.

Loved it too.I know I've mouthed "what the fuck" a few times in my life when I've seen someone steal my thunder and mislead an oblivious audience. Probably stole quite a few thunders myself. I will never be Troy.

Yeah, I immediately thought of the "where's my dookie go" sketch. I hope this is a running sketch - Jordan plays the naivete and "deep-thinking" of a stoner lost in thought so well. He even had a good point in the "where's my dookie go" sketch… "If my dookie can make it out of the hood, maybe so can I." - Fantastic

@avclub-aa8199204bbd84f584fe5957410e9e71:disqus and @avclub-ad45e11f2e88b8963920c79cd1d8755e:disqus : Actually, I was told to wear clean underwear in case I get hit by a bus, too. I'm still not entirely convinced. I'm pretty sure she mocked up that peer-reviewed study correlating bad underwear choices with bus-related

They were too busy hitting the reefer for that stuff. It was fitting that on a drug run, Rick and Carol run into two stoners. Things could have gone differently had the right questions been asked.

@avclub-62379102bd28b77ec7094dae7ac0757e:disqus and @titusthorngate:disqus - nice points, both of you. Actually I quite liked this scene, because it takes away time from other periphery characters who I'm not even vaguely invested in. (Sorry, Tyreese, you just haven't been around long enough. Same goes for all

Loved the Skype lag sketch.

I like the "who is that guy?" text when I put the cursor over the dude in the review pic. He looks like Tim Allen in this photo. Home Improvement meets Homeland. Al is a mole. And also a Senator. And has Muslim friends. And has black and white photos: surveillance shots of Carrie that he muses over before heading off

Annoying kid-actors or not, I felt the part where Carol told the girl she was weak was out of character for Carol. Yeah, she's hardened up; but she's a fairly generically loving person, a cooler version of the Mummy-teacher role, and I could imagine her saying, "You have to be strong from now on, your life depends on

Thanks for yours, interesting too. I think to really enjoy something - genuinely - I have to respect it (GoT, Breaking Bad for example), and when I enjoy something I have no respect for I feel guilty (e.g. walking through the living room, accidentally laughing at something I saw in Big Bang Theory… this only happened

Agree with everything you say, though I think you can watch and respect something without enjoying it. The movie Gravity is an example: I could see what they were trying to do, respected that they didn't overdo the sentimental angle, didn't infuse too much romance (which never sits well with a movie set in space),

I don't know, did anyone else feel that Brody's latest kidnapping is a little… "Taken 2"?

When I said, "Everyone likes Dana", I mean the majority of fans seem to.