
I'm afraid everyone's going to have to deal with Dexter comments on this forum every so often, since the show tanked in such a spectacular way and we can see parallels beginning here in Homeland. So for those who have never watched Dexter…. we apologise, but it's necessary. We also have to vent since the tanking

Everyone likes Dana, me included. But Saul… what happened to him? His character's so different I no longer proclaim I would "hit that" (age difference, shmage difference) when Mandy Patinkin/Saul walks on the screen. Saul also used to be a favourite of mine.

I actually didn't mind this episode, giving it a B. Seriously, at least it had a more coherent, character-based storyline going than last week's rush-through-scenes episode that tried to remind us of a million loose ends from last season.

Name ONE.

@avclub-8b5e7836dd068601d1d820b4147fde37:disqus I can tell we have a very, very strong bond.

Geez - was he there for a YEAR? I missed that. God. God. God.

Jesse is clearly the one character who deserved redemption. God knows, he earned it under the horrible regime of Walt the Wayward. The point is that in spite of his "sins", Jesse is naturally soft-hearted and, initially, easily led. Left to his own devices - having never met Walt - he may have ended up a deadbeat or

Sorry, @avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus - haven't seen The Wire yet either and I'm about to, but you have to expect spoilers after all these years. Reviews of shows draw comments and comparisons to other shows, it's natural. The statute of limitations over The Wire spoilers ended over five years ago.

Yeah. The only looks I ever saw Lydia give Todd were disdain and maybe slight repulsion.

I know. But don't you have more important things to do, like go home and force an old man to eat spider webs, or eat grains of sand? Course sand. I don't know how they grade it, if they do… but make it course. Then lock him in the sideways-dumbwaiter for two days.

Yeah. When he was about to tell Skyler who he did it all for and she asked him not to go on about it being for the family yet again, you could see he was going to admit he did it for himself. This is the final closure Skyler needed in an episode where he's tying up loose ends.

Ha ha, yes. I also had a momentary feeling that he meant to run Walt over. The show does a good job of making us feel constantly paranoid.

Such a brilliant show. I think the collective group of fans can identify with being stuck in an awful situation where you look back, stunned, and think, "How did things go from that to this?" but on an obviously much smaller scale. We all knew coming into the episode that it was over for Walt with nothing left but for

I'm a bit worried they already have. The whole episode, except for the Dana bits: "Tabled this motion is. Or is it?"

@DB4:disqus and the awesome @avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus … " Biebermania" suddenly hit Australia when he visited Sydney a year or two ago. Or whenever. Looking up the date of his arrival would be giving him too much time, this post is enough. But anyone here over the age of 15 was asking, "WTF is

@avclub-531c33a89ca9a8072f86fc7e2b770054:disqus I got the vibe from the end of the episode that Dexter's life as a killer - or as any kind of "psychopathic but functioning" human - was over; that he was voluntarily living in seclusion amongst disinterested logging dudes in an obscure spot as a sign that he is

How is no one bringing up the awesome gushy parts where they kept cutting to flashbacks of Deb meeting Baby Harrison while wearing an awful wig? (Let's not even go into the argument about how when Harrison was born, the relationship between Deb and Dex at the time wasn't very open with Deb still feeling that Dex was

Bowling? The Dude abides.

How smart is Walt really? 
For a weird comparison here: Walt vs Tywin Lannister. Both are alleged geniuses; both are capable of pulling off some awful, complicated maneuvers in order to meet their own short-term ends. Both state family is everything. And both fail to see the bigger picture: winter is coming, and it's

It's times like this I'm glad Aussie cable doesn't censor this stuff.