
He was thinking about whether he should have retired and bought that restaurant after all.

I just feel like it's too late in the game to pin a very minor character as the series finale antagonist. But then again with the way things have been going, who knows.

@avclub-0530bd878343f01904d5d9634a4f819b:disqus Unfortunately I think this is the angle they'll go with. That ramble at the dinner table about boredom being the real evil/danger/whatever - coupled with the interest in psychopaths - makes me think that Vogel decided to give killing a go after watching from the

Me too. The cat died and the bed sheets are still damp. Still foetal so haven't attended to them. (The sheets. The rest is up to the cat now.) Haven't been watching this show religiously at all, but… landing up watching this episode was awful. Clearly Minor Character receives a dull, overdrawn, overly sentimental and

Awesomeness aside, this post made me think about Windows 95. Was it really better, or are my glasses rose-coloured? PS Windows 98 start-up sound: best ever. Windows NT start-up sound was so long it was like the November Rain of start-ups.

It's probably Vogel because of that creepy dinner conversation alone. You're acting like there's consistency in storyline here.

That's the thing. It's become so bad that having Vogel react with horror to the latest brain-in-a-jar present - in spite of sending the brains to herself to cover her tracks as Brain Surgeon - is a completely illogical but absolutely possible script direction at this point. The producers/writers/whomever ask, "How do

Latino Guy Cop! Almost forgot about him. Black Lady Cop really steals the limelight, no?

Oh no, the minor character's equally uninteresting peripheral friend is murdered! By other new character!

Joshua Alton asks us how long it’s been since Dexter has been an urgent show. Are you kidding me? Were we all watching the same episode?

In the show’s defence, Dexter’s been stalking his prey at alarmingly close range for some time now and hasn’t been caught. His car’s getting closer and closer to the stake-out house. At this point he should be able to pull into his target’s driveway, open the garage door, drive in and park with a bottle of bourbon in

I'd love someone to mock up an intro for what this show would be like. In my head, it's kind of 90s themed, but that's a bit too obvious. Regardless of era, there will be babes in bikinis strolling past in quick snippets. It can't be too Baywatch-y though.

Literally laughed out loud at this, and then even louder at @avclub-409fcefbb3ec83093ff2f13a595bf083:disqus 's comment. I'm looking forward to the bench in future episodes.

I don't know of any female who finds the actor who plays Quinn remotely attractive in real life. I'd hit up Batista before I touched that.

She should have changed her voicemail to one like Sterling Archer's. "Dex?! Dex?! Good. Wait - I really, really need you to listen to me. Batista knows that you're…. ha ha, ULTIMATE VOICEMAIL! *air horn blast*……. The message bank of *air horn blast* is full. Goodbye."

Times New Roman has slipped off my "recently used" fonts in MS Word's drop-down menu. I felt a bit sad about that. Remember the Lifetime Achievement Award it won? http://www.theonion.com/art…

Agree with @avclub-aa2bbde57fc8e8c31c9d4a5b75a33dfb:disqus and @avclub-578a676b4f1ca45f2d612ea7242be7d9:disqus - we're all slightly invested in the show because it was once quite good, and we want our ending. Sure, I wanted to walk out of The Black Dahlia at the cinema because it was so Godawful, but I stayed just to

Yes - the scene where they had Shae remove the sheets and note that Sansa hadn't "bled" highlighted for the audience that Shae is aware the marriage wasn't consummated (making it a happy moment for Shae and the audience, re: Tyrion remaining faithful to Shae). However when she walked out of the room with the sheets

Oh (talking into the void) the general female consensus among female friends is that the actor who plays Daario is miscast and is "ugly".

Even if Brienne does run into them I remember it being glossed over heavily in the books, with all of the events surrounding Catelyn's resurrection being relayed as you said.