
Yeah, agree that L + R = J, but I also feel that Robb leaving Winterfell to Jon Snow was kind of a big deal. I also recall this isn't the first time people on this forum have brought up this event and its repercussions, though maybe it was only part of a Catelyn's character-based argument ("she hates bastards"/"she

Just rewatched it and yes, Melisandre makes the decision. Then again, isn't her whole shtick having control of Stannis?

So…. Daenerys isn't going to give Jorah his marching orders, then?

Agree. Also think that if they ignore the Kingsmoot they ignore a major theme in the book (the question of female-line leadership).

Interesting. I think they may very well go this way in terms of not having Shae testify against Tyrion willingly, but I think they may leave the Tysha storyline in. They've referenced Tysha a few times this series, e.g. when Tyrion objects to a marriage to Sansa, noting he's already been married ("or have you

I re-read from Book 3 from The Red Wedding onwards after this episode, too. Still can't remember why The Hound decides to keep Arya by his side, and I failed to notice this foreshadowing, but it's very interesting. I also think that by rewriting The House of The Undying scene a lot of the book is lost, but I'm not

Can't wait until Iwan Rheon makes the audience aware of how Ramsay's female dogs get their name (which I assume they'll keep in, as it's yet another massive reminder of what a cruel madman he is without having to show much gore. Implied horror = powerful punch and no big budget necessary).

I generally bow before idiotking's theories, and beg mercy here, my Lord! But honestly I didn't mind too much the Arya adaptation. I agree with @avclub-c4d038b4bed09fdb1471ef51ec3a32cd:disqus about the little-lost-girl routine. That made the final scene in Kick-Ass, where the girl pulls her little-girl-lost routine to

Actually I'm more of a hard-core fan but not many of the adaptations have pissed me off. I also agree with your series rankings by the way.

Huh, interesting. I had a tingle of remembering it from something before, something I enjoyed (e.g. not just a Law & Order episode). It was Silence of the Lambs. Awesome.

I can't wait for Alayne, either. (BOOK SPOILERS 4-5)

@avclub-e65076d21d4b718526e684473c359d55:disqus My favourite stupid criticism is "but she liked Joffrey after (he) killed her direwolf."

Yeah, she does have an awesome following among younger female fans and a lot of sympathizers here on this board (most of my real-life male friends who have seen the show and/or read the books don't find her remotely attractive). Sophie Turner said she thought people called her a bitch because they associate her

At Freymas, Walder sits at the head of the table and tells his comely daughters and sons all the ways they've disappointed him over the years. Then they march down to the Freymas Tree and everyone jumps. First to pull down a Dead Frey uses the body as a weapon in the Feats of Strength. Then everyone sits back down to

Well… one thing I've noticed amongst some of my male friends is that they find Sophie Turner unattractive or, at the very least, asexual. These tend to be the same show fans who find Daenerys "boring and sexless" but adored Doreah, who was considered hot.

I had to reassure my brother after ep. 9 that they would highlight the importance of guest right in the tenth episode.

Yeah, the Pod-Equals-Sex-Magnet thing was overplayed and might be part of it. Actually I think they pushed home the highborn vs lowborn theme too far here. Some references were good, but we get it. The Davos/Gendry conversation has enough exposition on this theme, though it was a good scene, and maybe Varys' talk with

Yeah, he likes to make missteps.

Yes, Sansa is playing the long-game without realizing it. I wouldn't say shrewd, but she knows in order to survive she needs to keep her head down. A female in King's Landing that is meek and high-born has a better chance of surviving than almost anyone else. She is not initially seen as likely to create devious plans

@avclub-33807fbc68d335db8080d3c10cb78822:disqus I am so on board with you on many things, especially staving off all this Sansa-hate.