
I think they are doing everything they can to make Sophie Turner/Sansa a more popular character. A lot of people just HATE her. The actress notes people on the street are always coming up to her and calling her a bitch. Because Sansa's nature is passive (either through natural personality or design, probably the

Really, Todd's errors are so minimal and his reviews are so engaging to read that picking on them seems pedantic to the rest of us. In a nutshell.

Yeah, Oberyn, trials, Tyrion… a lot to fill out, really.

Yeah - Sansa and Tyrion were married in a snap of the fingers while Margaery and Joffrey's engagement seems rather long by TV Westeros standards. The latter got engaged at the end of series 2.

I see what you guys mean… but I still think it was handled pretty well, or rather I was simply glad that we were reminded that this is going to happen (Stannis - Wall). If they were going to cram a finale with piecemeal bits as a round-up, it's good to let us and newbies know that Stannis is finally moving the hell

Yeah, but remember TV fans stopped watching after Ned Stark's execution. And cried about it on youtube. A lot of injustice in this story, hence strong reactions from most quarters, including book-readers who generally get a more graphic description.

Sounds well-paced to me. Forward it to HBO in case someone has an inkling of screwing it up.

Sorry, bit of an eye roll here. "…something like her looking out over a decimated Yunkai and reflecting on what she's become or whatever" is a glib off-the-cuff reference to a let-down Daenerys ending, not a "let me strictly follow the books here and spend an hour anticipating what would involve a let-down Daenerys

I think so. That pushes Joff's lovely wedding earlier into the series, which actually might work out well. Not all shocks need to be shoved into the end.

Yeah, but did the newbies catch this?

Yeah, I'm afraid to say it for all the hetero guys out there, but I really, really doubt Dany and Missandei will end up in the bed, ala the books. There'll be too much "OMG Dany is bi!!! So hot!!!" type comments and it'll distract from the storyline. At this point in the show too she's clearly in love with Daario, who

Good old Joff. Would Viserys have been any different, though? Was The Mad King better?

I think simply to make the betrayal at the end more painful and shocking, yes, as well as show how jealous she has become.

Yeah, I knew they'd up the friendliness between Sansa and Tyrion for the show since so many people seem to "hate" Sansa/Sophie Turner. So they'll have her throwing her Lord Imp more sympathy his way. I think a fairly successful attempt at this camaraderie was first shown in this episode. And that bond will inflame

Oooh, I love Lady Stoneheart. I like my Freys swinging in the wind.

Yeah, I just re-read the Oberyn parts of book 3 last night. I remembered when I first read the books the Red Wedding was the most gut-wrenching part of it all but Oberyn's part was the most "YES!" You could say to anyone who read the books, "You raped her; you murdered her; you killed her children" (paraphrasing?) and

"Are we all of the consensus that ep. 10 will end with Lady Stoneheart?…. I love the Daenerys bits, but I hope they don't end with something like her looking out over a decimated Yunkai and reflecting on what she's become or whatever. Don't get me wrong, I pretty much scream with joy every time the dragons appear on

I love how I can't delete a comment posted in the wrong place, so I have to replace it with something to rid this space of a potential spoiler…

Cersei is as uneven as a character can be, but this is on purpose - and it works well. At times she does seem to genuinely care about Sansa (explaining "you may not love the King, but you will love his children" - season 2, etc) and then goes back to threatening her (usually while drunk - look at the Blackwater

Though the impact of the Red Wedding definitely gives the initial impression of lost hope, the severity of killing off The Goodies can also suggest that the revenge issued will also defy expectations