
Also, it's a nice comment to let newbies know who was the supporter behind the slaughter - but saying, "The Lannisters send their regards" before killing everyone in the room that might want to take revenge kind of takes the sting out of that threat. (Yeah, Lady Stoneheart, I know - but Bolton couldn't possibly

The only thing I can think of is that Jaime lost his hand. However, a Bolton supporter was the one responsible for that little misadventure. Unless the Boltons blamed the Starks for doing it while Jaime was imprisoned… seems like a long bow to draw though.

Yeah, I've scrolled through as many pages as I can tolerate to see if there's any more on this thinking. Are we all of the consensus that ep. 10 will end with Lady Stoneheart? I can't think of anything else from the book that would be dramatic enough to end with for the finale, except for good ol' Joff's wedding,

Hey, newbies, it's been tough keeping it a secret!

Cersei vs. Margaery: Come to think of it, even the way each of these women dress signify their power, or their fear of losing power.

re: the reviewer and Cersei seeming stupid by showing her hand to Margaery: we've seen again and again that Cersei makes stupid little mistakes all the time. She's not as clever as she thinks she is.

@avclub-4346ce9d3ccb7933c6cdbdc090ec4bda:disqus @ThinkerT:disqus The problem is that I was gripped by the Theon bits on the page, but the show's portrayal of Theon is just… dull.

Whites have blue eyes, no?

Ahh, that's right! Had a feeling I got that wrong. Thanks.

Are you guys all kidding? Dumping horse dung into caterpaults and flinging it at a reviewer who merely questioned someone's name - in a novel series with character numbers to rival War and Peace?

Maybe he thinks Brienne likes her men dirty.

Wow, true! I missed that. That's a great twist. They really put effort into the costumes and what they mean. Thanks.

All the time. Each khalasaar has a colour it paints itself; Khal Drogo's khalasar painted themselves in blue. Especially over the shoulders and sometimes on the face.

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus Wow! Awesome idea. I like it. I think it makes sense from a character point of view, and it would make sense that Blackfish would have this moment in the sun (rescuer of Jeyne and potential Stark heir). Thanks for the share. I'm a bit hazy on this part of the story. I

Arya, in a scene I can't quite recall when she wants to express a "Geez Louise" type phrase: "Seven hells."

That's what I mean. Lyanna and Rhaegar are not mentioned to a great extent in the books by this point: but Lyanna's ghost in general hangs over the story, with Ned remembering her final words, "Promise me, Ned…" as well as a description of her death that sounds like wounds not caused by a weapon, i.e. bleeding out

It would have seemed a bit silly too I guess for Sansa to be going to this fat old drunken fool of a "knight" and romanticizing him as her saviour. The actor doesn't have the sly, crafty vibe of book-Dontos, he simply seems like a fat fool.

Yes, I think it's a shocked-humility response (and maybe a question mark over whether they will still consider her to be a master of some sort). In the trailer for the series we VERY briefly see Daenerys flirting with a slim, dark-haired man (Daario I'm thinking) and this man was slim, tall and young-looking. I had a

Actually, come to think of it, this particular page of forum responses alone is almost half "it's Qyburn!" in response to the reviewer's question.

Hey dude… not being a douchebag here, just letting you know in case you're new that Todd's question has already been answered. You must have the forum discussion arranged "sort by newest first". You also can either sort messages by oldest first or by most popular in the drop-down menu above the message board and below