
@twitter-14594929:disqus  Yeah, I remember in the books thinking, "How can he still be fat?" I had it pointed out to me that the actor himself is actually slimmer in this series and they've "bulked him up" a bit more. I mean, he's far from some anorexic supermodel, but he's moving a little further away from obesity.

Yeah I thought Arya might be the one who ends up assassinating him. I still think he's the most dangerous of all of them (though Book-Varys' intentions are also muddied, I think, in spite of the apparent Targaryen support. Varys seems more of a "goodie" on screen).

And borrowing heavily from real life. That's all kind of obvious, but it took me a while to figure out that, duh, Khal Drogo aka The Great Khal borrows from Genghis Khan, aka The Great Khan.

It's funny how characters appear to us, isn't it? I really liked my insanely nasty Cersei from the books, and was a bit miffed to see a more sympathetic Cersei in the show. I remember in the third book when Lady Olenna asks Sansa about Joffrey and Sansa admits, "He's a monster" (shown in the show) Lady Olenna then

Yeah, he's not coming off looking too good in these battles/fights, is he? I think the fact that newbies remember him as "Renly's boyfriend" shows how much the character isn't fleshed out. Then again, the number of names newcomers have to remember are growing.

Ahhh thank you! Littlefinger = unreliable information, then.

Everything's been so great so far, but this was my favourite part of the book. I think on screen it's going to be "Wow"… as long as they include a few appearances from Oberyn first.


You know, in the books I still didn't feel sorry for Jaime at this point. Or really at any point. This scene in the show made me sorry for him. Well done.

For both the reader and the small folk, which Cersei and Joffrey couldn't care about whatsoever.

*BOOK SPOILER* Not sure if it's happened in the books by this point (and I doubt they'll include it in the show), but who is it that warns Sansa that these Tyrells are just "Lannisters covered in flowers?"

I also liked watching Drogon tear along the wall and take down all the guards/slavers/bad guys in one awesome swoop of fire.

And seeing Cersei look so uncertain - the actress is great, but Cersei normally looks either pleased or annoyed, from mild degrees to extremes. And she's cautious and worried and perplexed around Joffrey. But here, she just doesn't know WHAT to make of all this, like she's been dumped in the middle of something she

Probably thought it would last longer than flowers and he already ate the box of chocolate he was going to give her. (In jest, Sammy Boy, in jest…)

Yeah, was a little underwhelmed by the zombie march. This scene was "final scene in series finale"-worthy.

They girl-ified Loras somewhat (to be non-PC, but you get my drift) and it also annoys me a teeny bit that he isn't portrayed as he's entirely supposed to be (from the books). We're suppose to think he's an excellent swordsman, and I don't think a brief Ned Stark reference during The Hand's tourney in season 1 ("Ser

And all that remains is their purple eyeballs.

@avclub-95d952510e02ffba7fa228e4d43866cb:disqus Really? Every male I know in real life who watches the show dislikes Sophie Turner and I'm seeing total bitchiness against her looks ("She's not pretty AT ALL"). The best my sister and mother can offer is that she has "the style of the time", though with less vitriol.

Yes. I think Margaery is a very interesting character, because she's clearly ambitious (for her family but also probably for herself and as a duty) and people assume she's emotionless partly because of the social niceties she's compelled to show in various situations.

Yeah, I read that interview and agreed with her assessment and yours. I didn't quite feel she came across as necessarily bad in the books, though, either but I seem to be in the minority here.