
I think Margaery isn't entirely full of shit - more that she's practical, cunning but feels emotion (her genuine love for her brother Loras) and unlike in the books where it's more vague, this Margaery is a bit more sympathetic towards Sansa: e.g. the previous episode where Sansa reveals Joffrey tormented her,

I think Margaery isn't entirely full of shit - more that she's practical, cunning but feels emotion (her genuine love for her brother Loras) and unlike in the books where it's more vague, this Margaery is a bit more sympathetic towards Sansa: e.g. the previous episode where Sansa reveals Joffrey tormented her,

The final Daenerys scene is actually end-of-series level brilliant.

Could this adaptation mean that Jorah will not be sent away by Dany?

I agree with @avclub-b7ee6f5f9aa5cd17ca1aea43ce848496:disqus. I'm even going to out my full name. Yeah, the C.I.A. will be on me in minutes. All worth it. http://www.facebook.com/kar…

Though a lot of the actors are great (any problems seem to be to do with the script), I think Norman Reedus is just insanely amazing in this. The fact that you still want to know more about his character, despite knowing quite a bit really, chimes in well with that "Ahh!" feeling whenever Darryl pops up in a scene.

I find Reedus very attractive. Strangely, I've always like The Bowie Body as well…

Actually that scene with Maggie was probably the only time I felt the Governor came across as he was supposed to, as truly creepy and evil.

Actually that scene with Maggie was probably the only time I felt the Governor came across as he was supposed to, as truly creepy and evil.

Oh God. I feel sick. I think you're right. Oh God. I have to lie down. Fetch me my smelling salts.

Yeah, I have to admit this episode was maybe the most underwhelming of the entire show run. I think Mazzera lost control before this, with this episode confirming that things have really gone to crap.

This is crazy. I kid you not, people, my brother and I (we haven't read the graphic novels) were just talking about Old Mate and what happened to him. "Why didn't they ever bother returning to this storyline?" And they just did. Did they hear our collective moans for something better? No, but it feels like it right

And how Margaery Tyrell turns out to be a secret Targaeryn.

"Look at you, adding and subtracting!"


Wow, The Scarlet Letter is popular in American schools? Across the Not-So-Narrow Sea in Australia, we have To Kill A Mockingbird and The Great Gatsby eternally thrown at us.

I understand about the character development issues, but when WD does character work it does it well. I started watching the first two series in one run when season two had just finished screening. I didn't find the second season so boring as everyone else seemed to; and I was a bit down that they took out the "John

Famed for their skills in archery and love-making… and failed rebellions

Famed for their skills in archery and love-making… and failed rebellions

Game of Thrones is fantastic; even when it's fairly awful by its own standards it's great. This is something I've noticed in the rewatching of it all. Season 2 seemed a little bit of a let-down when I last saw it, especially relative to Season 1. I chalked this down to having read the books in between the series, but