
Game of Thrones is fantastic; even when it's fairly awful by its own standards it's great. This is something I've noticed in the rewatching of it all. Season 2 seemed a little bit of a let-down when I last saw it, especially relative to Season 1. I chalked this down to having read the books in between the series, but

1.) Miami Metro is inefficient, agreed. Strangely, this seems like the most realistic thing about the show. Corruption and police go together almost as nicely as corruption and organized religion do.

1.) Miami Metro is inefficient, agreed. Strangely, this seems like the most realistic thing about the show. Corruption and police go together almost as nicely as corruption and organized religion do.

Oh God… sorry to say it, but it looks like you're right. There's supposed to be a final eighth season.

Oh God… sorry to say it, but it looks like you're right. There's supposed to be a final eighth season.

My sister: "She's like a female Lenny Kravitz." Me: "Or Lenny Kravitz." Haven't read the graphic novels either but this character is the biggest waste of space. She makes T-Dog seem relevant.

My sister: "She's like a female Lenny Kravitz." Me: "Or Lenny Kravitz." Haven't read the graphic novels either but this character is the biggest waste of space. She makes T-Dog seem relevant.

Part of me laughed at the zinger and then groaned over where it came from. For some reason the idea of him having sex with this particular victim is insanely predictable. You can pretty much read it from the beginning of the episode. Never seen that actress in anything before, and I agree that she's very hot (in a

Part of me laughed at the zinger and then groaned over where it came from. For some reason the idea of him having sex with this particular victim is insanely predictable. You can pretty much read it from the beginning of the episode. Never seen that actress in anything before, and I agree that she's very hot (in a

Theon's story is arguably the most devastating. I went from hating Theon to feeling sympathetic beyond description. I think this is because he is the helpless victim of awful environmental factors, but I don't find him to be heroic at any point. Except a little for jumping off the wall with Jeyne Poole / "Arya".

Theon's story is arguably the most devastating. I went from hating Theon to feeling sympathetic beyond description. I think this is because he is the helpless victim of awful environmental factors, but I don't find him to be heroic at any point. Except a little for jumping off the wall with Jeyne Poole / "Arya".

I know someone here reviews Luther - have you seen it? I'm quite surprised by the generally ho-hum majority reaction to it amongst both Americans and the UK audience (I'm Australian).

I know someone here reviews Luther - have you seen it? I'm quite surprised by the generally ho-hum majority reaction to it amongst both Americans and the UK audience (I'm Australian).

I love David Tenant, but he might be a touch goofy-pretty for Mance.

I love David Tenant, but he might be a touch goofy-pretty for Mance.

Yep, I'm with him. What a man or woman sows on his Wedding Day they reap all year. And the next year. And other years, maybe, until the Divorce Doctor drops in. IIK. (It is known. Let's start this abbreviation now, particularly since capital "i"s always read like a small "L". Two together and you have pure,

Yep, I'm with him. What a man or woman sows on his Wedding Day they reap all year. And the next year. And other years, maybe, until the Divorce Doctor drops in. IIK. (It is known. Let's start this abbreviation now, particularly since capital "i"s always read like a small "L". Two together and you have pure,

Are we supposed to think Varys is a pedophile or not? All these constant references to Varys enjoying little boys - is it just me, or is the series drowning in them? I remember a few jokes and comments from the books, but the TV run (even series 1, though series 2 is chock-full of them) gets major

Are we supposed to think Varys is a pedophile or not? All these constant references to Varys enjoying little boys - is it just me, or is the series drowning in them? I remember a few jokes and comments from the books, but the TV run (even series 1, though series 2 is chock-full of them) gets major

PS Sansa is still in King's Landing, Arya's the only one 'missing'.