
PS Sansa is still in King's Landing, Arya's the only one 'missing'.

I agree about Cersei's accent changing as the action ramped up and the drink went down! Loved it. Earlier in this series I noticed Tyrion was sounding more like Tywin (apt, since they're the only two Lannisters with strong minds for politics) and tonight I felt Cersei sounded like both Tywin and Tyrion, like they all

I agree about Cersei's accent changing as the action ramped up and the drink went down! Loved it. Earlier in this series I noticed Tyrion was sounding more like Tywin (apt, since they're the only two Lannisters with strong minds for politics) and tonight I felt Cersei sounded like both Tywin and Tyrion, like they all

I agree he's changed, but I don't mind it too much I guess. His acting in this episode was fantastic. (SPOILER) Hate to see him leave indefinitely.

I agree he's changed, but I don't mind it too much I guess. His acting in this episode was fantastic. (SPOILER) Hate to see him leave indefinitely.

Didn't think Cersei was maudlin… Cersei and sentimentality rarely go together in my opinion. I LOVE drunk Cersei. And the way she's getting drunker and drunker as time goes on. And the screen time it's getting. Remember last week's episode? Tyrion: What's gotten into you? Cersei: (Swaying, grinning) I'm happy.

Didn't think Cersei was maudlin… Cersei and sentimentality rarely go together in my opinion. I LOVE drunk Cersei. And the way she's getting drunker and drunker as time goes on. And the screen time it's getting. Remember last week's episode? Tyrion: What's gotten into you? Cersei: (Swaying, grinning) I'm happy.

I actually found this episode to be one of the best I've ever seen. Modern Warfare is classic, of course, but there was something about this one that grabbed me. Surprised at the low rating.

I have a bad feeling they're about to Arrested-Development this show. Goddamn.

I have a bad feeling they're about to Arrested-Development this show. Goddamn.

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus (SPOILERS) It's easier to remember minor characters when you're reading the books. For example, you remember Ser Barristan Selmy when Dany finds out who "Arstan" is. On the screen there's so much happening I remember thinking how the show was going to re-introduce him

Admittedly it's at the later-end of when a girl would get her period. But in the realm of real-life possibility.

@avclub-251338d45f0b789185c1cad382a66c6e:disqus I was hoping they'd show all this, especially the Rhaegar stuff, but I really doubt they will. In the book we knew enough about Rhaegar to understand what the vision was and guess at what some other images might mean (a blue 'winterfell' rose growing from a wall - Jon

Also, the way Catelyn says "Brienne" decisively, and then is handed the sword, seems to indicate they were acting out an established plan. Which I doubt would be, "Hey, you know what would be awesome? If Jaime ever gets to be too annoying, we should totally cut off his hand! And no matter how emotional and unbalanced

I didn't think when I was watching it that she meant to cut off his hand. I think she means to cut him loose. (If the Karstarks kill him, she believes she's lost her chance at trading him for Sansa and Arya.) He escapes with Brienne as guard (I guess in a sneaky fashion when all the bannerman are too drunk/distracted

Yeah, all in all I'd say The Mad King wouldn't have done anything to Joanna publicly… and even if he had, the impact may have been minimal, because you wonder if a realistic or 'public' world even existed for him. Was just thinking about the scene we saw last week with Sansa being beaten by Joffrey (and stripped to

@avclub-42998cf32d552343bc8e460416382dca:disqus  Agree that coming into the rebellion late meant “go hardcore and fast to prove we’re seriously changing sides” for Tywin. I remember the marriage ritual (how awesome would it have been to be a lady/lord and married in that world) but I also remember The Mad King

@W.A.Wilson - (SPOILERS BOOK 3) Yep, I love the way the Lannisters seem to fall apart slowly without the reader noticing it. With Tywin spending most of his time off-page, you only really think of him in terms of this cold, efficient, war-leader father whom his own children are even scared of. And even that seems

@CyranoThebirdsareback:disqus I agree. I think he thinks he's going about it the right way, even saying he'll treat them as well as Lord Stark did, like you said. Unfortunately he doesn't think about how the very fact of taking Winterfell from The Starks would be seen as an aggressive move, seeing as they're largely

@avclub-29639d6c421c85be2b1d77158fc0b4a3:disqus Ahh, snap, true! I don't know why I always subconsciously confuse these two show names. I haven't actually seen Mad Men. You'd think, if anything, I'd confuse it with Mad Dogs (UK TV show that's pretty decent). I guess when I think of Breaking Bad I think of Mad Men