
I've seen the first series. Bits with good ol' Hal from Malcolm In The Middle and his ex-student underling are good, the bits with the wife just give me the shits. Maybe it's because I have a phobia of suburban life.

Theon… Did you hate us the whole time?

Yep. I loved the way Maester Luwin walked in during that scene in series 1 and said, "the lady is our guest." Theon's response? "I thought she was our hostage." Maester Luwin: "Are the two mutually exclusive in your experience?"

I don't think Theon is smart enough to think of killing the wolves. He just shows up at Winterfell with the idea of taking it over, and has no idea to go about doing it.

Yeah… I mean, it's good, but not "Game of Thrones" good. And the main character's wife with all of her dominant suburban-Mum chitter chatter is straight-up annoying. I find it odd that people compare the two shows at all.

@avclub-b438f33d120fae67d78ea4cbe43de909:disqus I don't think Robert's undeniable Targaryen hatred actually had anything to do with The Mountain's murder of the children. I think Tywin OK'ed whatever it took to take the Iron Throne, and The Mountain did as he pleased. I remember (SPOILER) Ser Barristan recalling that

Agree with @avclub-688f354100639413a99b136265aa5284:disqus  - Tywin is cold, cold, COLD, and I suppose a lot of this might have to do with what @avclub-e6990f5a3eb5738fbb28fd8a53506f6f:disqus said. 
We hear from someone who is typically reliable - Ser Barristan, I think? - that Tywin was a different man before Joanna's

Is this a troll post? If not… Melisandre sees Jon Snow in the fires instead of Stannis. Not continual images of snow. Which I think is an indication she's mistaken her little 'chosen one' and is too stupid to see it.

@avclub-98470000dfdbcbccf2c7cd42d80955ae:disqus I also noted the contrast between Cersei's treatment of Sansa vs. Myrcella - no empathy whatsoever for Sansa (even seemed to enjoy Sansa's extreme discomfort at the dinner table scene when Tommen asks if Joffrey will kill 'Sansa's brother'). However when it comes to her

Someone else might have picked this, but I like how we're beginning to see Cersei turning into a drunk as soon as she has some power (as in the book) - whilst her father knuckles down to the task by insisting for water, not wine. I don't know of anyone in Westeros who asked for water instead before. And very few in

(MAJOR BROAD SPOILER) I just figured out why The Tickler never worked on himself. You can't tickle yourself.

@avclub-db0c35ce2663c0e8c4b3f38642a49748:disqus I agree with you. Actually I'm not sure what I wrote to make you think i'd think otherwise? I was saying that the way HBO has adapted the story so that Tywin's right in Arya's face during her Harrenhall hit-list might skew her hit list, since it IS deeply personal. When

I'm not too worried. I'm sure we'll see Arya torturing someone else in like manner pretty soon.

I feel like it was a decision by Wardrobe/The Director/Whoever to say, "Look, Margaery's only in a full-body shot for two seconds, just tie the damned gown up quickly and forget the corset" for this episode.

I liked the dress in the prior episode (chick's perspective) because it seems like she's wearing a shield around her chest, and she's a pretty smart and kick-arse type.

Straight up I thought, "HBO isn't going to go with true Qartheen dress". The more powerful a character seems to grow, the less the need for unnecessary nudity. If they had Dany in proper dress, I doubt anyone would watch her scenes closely. "My purple eyes are up here, fool."

35-year old straight female here who loves playing PVP as a Destruction Warlock (for the Alliance! For Frostmourne!).

You're turning me into a believer.

Australian chick here…. and don't listen to him, Todd. I like your inclusion of political speculation - what else is the War of the Five Kings about? (Oh yeah…. rape, murder, betrayal, dragons, direwolves and sorcery.)

What do we think about the changes some of the actors have made since series 1?