
@mattcurr:disqus SPOILERS con'td
True, except that if he doesn't claim Jon as his own he's probably not honouring his sister's wishes to protect him. If he returned home with "another man's bastard" it would raise all kind of questions and he may not have much control over Jon's safety. And I guess it's true what Ned

I actually felt she was very poor at manoeuvering anything… I felt if it wasn't for Tyrion trying to assist her and stop her at times, she'd be dead as soon as she hit KL. It's a theme of Tyrion's and Shae's relationship at KL that she's constantly wanting to do this and that, whilst Tyrion has to remind her that she

Alterna-Locke suddenly descends from the Heaven they're moving onto with evil laughter. Final scene of the final episode, left on the editing room floor. *whooooooo chicka-chicka-chicka-chicka-chicka woooooooooh*

Ned Stark was led to that realization. He wasn't stupid in a certain sense, but he's far from worldly. He opts to ignore the dangers of KL rather than investigate them, except for the Jon Arryn mystery.


@avclub-e3019767b1b23f82883c9850356b71d6:disqus She's got glasses and a ponytail… come on, there's no way she could be Prom Queen.

@avclub-1343022fc4003e2cf16f0368302d86e8:disqus If you really want to know……… SPOILERS!….. No, she doesn't.

Really? I read Shae in the books as quite dumb, which is why I was a bit annoyed/confused as to why they portrayed her as witty in the first series.

Who says they don't get along? They were both young, living together and alone, without any of the other siblings or parents (and there are quite a few siblings or half-siblings in there, thanks to their father).

@avclub-e95a45d0b1f5afdf0ab9cde82b4b1d06:disqus Yeah, I sort of read that the scene was supposed to initially convey Sansa's paranoia about making any alliance whatsoever. She questions Shae suspiciously at first, but then kind of collapses into insults.

Actually, time-wise, I thought the Renly-Loras touching went on longer than the Renly-Margaery touching. What R-L did was closer to fucking than R-M. It was also passionate as opposed to dispassionate.

Sometimes when I look at him I think, "I can't believe this is Lily Allen's brother… the one who threw her laptop out of her bedroom window after he heard "Alfie" playing for the first time on the radio".
 Kid's no longer jerking off to pornos and getting stoned after a 3pm wake-up, apparently. He does an awesome job

Good to know. If Blackwater isn't insanely epic, it's going to piss off a lot of people.

Couldn't have said it better myself, especially the last line.

PS At first I thought they were playing this scene in the vein of, "Sansa sees Shae is inept and suspects her of being one of Cersei's little birds, or at least someone pretending to be what they're not" but I don't think Sansa is sane or smart enough at this point to figure that out.

Agree that the actress Sophie Turner is growing into a beautiful young girl… in the first series I thought her a little generic, but she's shaping up to look exactly as I imagined Sansa Stark would look.

*SPOILER REGARDING TYRION'S INTENTIONS* Loved the scene where Tyrion picked up the potion for "constipation" whereas he's really getting a witless Cersei ready for a few days of much-needed bed-rest. Can't wait.

I think newbies would interpret this as a backlash against the prior awful scene with the Lannisters as well as brattishness. However, I think most of us who have read the books know better and might be justified in scratching their heads over this addition to the show, even if it was well-acted. Showing Sansa in this

Unfortunately, I felt that the power of that scene was based on the fact that Syrio was sacrificing himself for Arya - hence, I believe he's dead. I'd never read any of the books when I saw this first series and I didn't for a moment consider he would survive… in fact, I was surprised people thought he would.

@avclub-ef4a8008198add83765f0d40313ebbf7:disqus Agreed. Varys and Illyrio must have known that the odds of Daenerys and Viserys surviving in Drogo's khalasar were at best moderate, in all likelihood not great. Really, when you think about it, it would be the best way to get rid of two Targaryens who have spent their