
@avclub-7c011f8d583bfa546555bc29730ad2ff:disqus Yeah, I was just theorizing. I still think Varys is a very powerful adversary, and it's hard to decide whether he or LF will eventually emerge as the most powerful or destructive force. The scene where they verbally square off against each other (done well in the TV show

@avclub-9b7b0109c992b2904b1cb4640cebc223:disqus Yeah, but I think a couple of the "goodies" will end up getting their revenge via some happiness. I see Gendry marrying either Daenerys or Sansa (the latter especially if GRRM flips it all and puts her on The Iron Throne in place of Dany). I'm thinking at least one Stark

@avclub-a9dbf6c70f867fb5d09900f7bab79c25:disqus I can't imagine it either, but apparently the scene is one of the most visually impressive of the first four episodes.

I'd prefer Joffrey to LF as King, because at least Joffrey's evil is obvious and has a stupid simplicity to it ("ooh, watching a man drown in wine is funny" / "I don't like him, I'll just cut his head off)*** (see footnote for further, spoiler explanation). LF's sadism is less obvious and the scope of his plans, sown

You weren't watching her enjoy having her body fondled, you were watching her enjoy the eventual humiliation she was about to inflict upon her estranged, cocky and naive brother.

No, I totally read that that "Asha"/"Yara" (yes the name change was because of the Osha character) was loving messing with her brother. When she pushed his hands away, it was almost as a tease to him. I sensed when I read the book (and in this episode) that even though Theon was doing the initial groping, she had

I actually like Robb's increased part. The actor seems a lot stronger this series and brings to life the character more than GRRM did, in my opinion (i.e. VERY high praise for the actor). I never found Robb interesting in the book, but I agree the Red Wedding upset me more than anything else (a close second is Reek's

PS If you do decide to ignore the 1st book, here are a few short tidbits on what you missed: 1. Dany was told by the witch-woman that she had also been made infertile by the maegi's magic; and Drogo's pyre burnt off all her hair. 2. Cersei never had a son by Robert and never had that conversation w/ Robert about

Up to you. My mother skipped the first book and seemed to enjoy going on, but not as much as those who had. She was much less connected with the "minor" characters in the show, and some of these minor characters reappear and become important later. (Not exactly a spoiler, it's the standard plot-writing device). You

Yeah, I have this sick fascination for her. Often she sickens me, sometimes she surprises me, and sometimes she makes me laugh. I'm not sure I've ever held sympathy for her, though. Except in the TV series where they make the character more sympathetic in general. (I think I liked the way they did that.)

Anyone notice the tiny clip at the end of the trailer which shows
Margaery Tyrell having taken her top off and standing nude before Renly, who is
sitting, clothed, on the bed? (Kind of SPOILER-ish from this point on.) I was trying to think about whether this was a scene in the
book, and can't remember it though I've been