Millennial Historian

Yes, but the president of the goddamned United States of America's refusal to condemn Nazis and assorted white supremacists over the weekend, and his grubby attempt to smear the opponents of fascism as being just as bad, make it clear that "Nazis are bad" is not a universally held sentiment within the ruling party in

I know what you mean, about it hitting the poor the hardest. But considering the widespread addiction to sugary soda, and the vast damage it is doing to our public health, I'm all in favor of taxing it, just like with tobacco and alcohol. We should also be taxing rich people's income and wealth a hell of a lot more.

I know, right? Being held to account for what you've said? So unfair!

Chicago style is often described as stuffy, boring, and hidebound, but I contend that it's formula for makes for more informative citations, and the supposed ease of MLA's parenthetical citations was obviated 25 years ago with modern word processors — which have gotten even better at doing actual footnotes in the last

"Stay out of our territory." — Generation-X

Phoenix at 4 am? You should be glad you were the only customers there! The only company you might have had would be neo-Nazis open-carrying.

And their insistence on having iPhones means they can't afford health insurance!

Was that a line from Andy Warhol's Frankenstein?

She and Steve sound fun!

She was thinking of you — is that what you wanted to hear?

Pennies have gotten so worthless that I figure they aren't even worth bending over to pick up. My theory is that it takes a certain amount of caloric energy to bend over and ride back up, and that amount of calories can't be replaced by any amount of food you can buy with 1 cent.

Buy a lottery ticket with that dollar and donate the winnings.

Nor without a wooden stake, these days.

I want to put this I to a time machine and send it back to 2014, when people were complaining that ice-bucket challenges were symbols of white privilege, since they were going on as Ferguson, MO, exploded.

Powerthirteen, I love you and I respect you, so please, take this as coming from a friend: that sentence is totally fucked up.

They damn sure don't understand what that one means!

In some contexts, companies have more power than the government.

I'm going to use this as a curse against my enemies!

"They shoot cops all the time!!!!1!1!!"

If Dubya taught us anything, it was that talking tough gets the gullible masses and the media erect/wet.