Millennial Historian

I don't know about building websites. Is there a public-sector way to register a domain name? I'm all for making it illegal for terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and the Aryan Nation to use the internet to conduct their illicit business. But free speech is a larger issue than just the First Amendment to the US

Even the government does in certain respects, as in when you're an employee of it. They can't throw you in prison for protected speech, but they can shit-can you, just like any employer can.

Pointing out the reverse racism makes you the real reverse racist!!!1!1!!!

Yeah, they're good words, but they only mean anything when they come immediately. A statement like this in the moments after it was confirmed a woman was dead is the absolute fucking very LEAST an American president should do. And this… this sentient chub of discount bologna couldn't even manage to do that. He needs

In the conservative mind, there are no greater affronts to civilization than blocking automobile traffic and stealing toilet paper and paper towels from an abandoned grocery store two days after a natural disaster.

Kellyanne Conway would be very excited to hear the term "imaginary numbers."

I dunno, man. In my experience, Cuban emigres and their descendants make Argentina's Peron look pretty middle-of-the-road.

Bing is nothing but gibberish translation and nudity.

I like all this sticking talk. Does the punishment for treason allow for picadors?

We always need to leave the door open for people who realize their mistakes and want to come back on the side of light and right. Lots of Dubya supporters abandoned him by 2006. Sure, it was a little late, and they had already let him break the country so badly we still haven't put it back together. But when they

Just how fucked-up Trump has made this world: people are fleeing America for the safety of Israel! It's like when the Syrian Civil War began and people were fleeing for the safety of Beirut. To my ears, trained as they were by the Lebanese Civil War throughout the 1980s, that just sounded insane.

For the first six months at an old job, I was really struggling and I thought I would never learn how to do it right. Then one day in a meeting, it hit me: everyone else in the room was kinda dumb. Not flat-out stupid, drooling-idiot, MAGA-cap-wearing dumb. Just C-student, unimaginative, satisfied-with-superficiality

I didn't know where that was going when I started reading, so I lol'd hard.

It's hard to imagine that a man who makes a no-women policy like that would be getting divorced. [mega eye roll]

"he was one of two non-Ivy guys in the writer's room (other dude graduated Brown…)".

Revenge eating is different from hungry eating. It's an extra humiliation: "I'm not just going to kill you, I'm going to turn you into my shit!"

I don't know how old you are, so maybe your question indicates some success of feminism in the last 30-40 years. "Keep them barefoot and pregnant" was an anti-feminist slogan that carried the larger message that "women dint belong in the workplace; they should stay in the home as wives and mothers."

I love how talk of his wife immediately diverges into talk of Ivanka. This White House is so stomach-churning, from top to bottom.

Regardless of politics, I don't understand how anyone could look at the Obamas and see anything other than a model of upper-class respectability and promotion of bourgeois (at least in a social sense; not in Marxian economic terms) ideals.

Your example there shows way too much approximation of logical progression. These pro-Trump people are more like: "The garbage truck came today, which means it's Saturday*. The gun store said I have to wait five more days until I can pick up my SlaughterReady-9/11. That means that Obama was really born in