Millennial Historian

The only saving thing about Trump is that he is so undisciplined, nonideological, and ineffectual. Imagine someone with his same billowing hate, but who has an actual agenda and an attention span that allows him to focus on achieving it. As you say, there are worse people than Trump out there.

THAT'S why it took them a week!

I can get with the idea that God picks flawed people to do his work — after all, that's the only way he can, if we're all sinners, right?

"We can learn a lot from this guy!" — Joel Osteen

That's going to be taken up as fact by my Hillary-obsessed Facebook friends who keep saying that Bernie was just as bad as Trump. This will corroborate, in their distraught minds, that Trump and Bernie are somehow buddy-buddy on the sly.

Bloodsport: Executive Summary Edition.

Frederick Douglas? He's been getting more and more recognition these days.

I like the "no sports metaphor for this situation." Trump didn't fail as if he had missed a one-inch putt. He failed because his response to Charlottesville was like he walked up to that ball and instead of even trying to sink it, he turned and hurled his putter at the crowd watching.

Remember when this site used to do articles on Trump?

Sounds like ChrisD is bucking for ChrisC or B. I don't trust you and your agenda!

Chris Crisis'll make you jump—jump!

What was the rhubarb?

It also seems, to me, anyway, that white supremacy is the more casual or even passive of the two; that it's just an amorphous point of view that might permeate a person's entire life, but isn't directed toward anything by a program or agenda; it's just "white people are better than everyone else, so obviously we

In my teachers' defense, they had to use substandard pointers, making it hard to see what they were drawing attention to.

Who the fuck do you think you are, coming in here with that kind of level-headed, rational talk?

I'll watch Randall Park in anything, so sign me up! Plus, I thought Ali Wong's standup special on Netflix was hilarious. Her dichotomy between "fancy Asians and jungle Asians" was like nothing I'd ever heard before.

That's what I really loved about the failed assassination storyline in the West Wing. The guy they caught looked like he would have fit right in at Saturday's white-people riot.

Hell, there were men in their thousands (if not more) who fought Nazis in Europe only to come home and join the KKK.

For me, it's about how we were actually building toward a long-term, sustainable equity in this country as a result of the terror of the Depression and slow, inadequate solution that was the New Deal. Had the war not happened, I can faintly see a 20th century America that ended up more like Canada, with universal

I'm not sure what you're asking, but I'll answer as best I can. I care about a great many things, but Trump is at the forefront of my mind right now because he's a lunatic with a nuclear arsenal making wild threats against another lunatic with a nuclear arsenal, and he has also removed all doubt that he is a Nazi