Millennial Historian

I prefer to fantasize about an alternate history in which the North pressed its victory as foreign conquerors, and colonized the South so thoroughly that two generations later poor whites and poor freedmen joined in common cause against their capitalist oppressors, eventually joining with the northern Labor movement

Republicans don't want to go into space because their guns won't work there.

I wish him the best w/r/t the cancer, but I really wish he would show some political courage and actually vote against the Trump/McConnell/Ryan mass-murder scheme.

If he gets convicted, the president — his father — will pardon him.

Crazy Harry was one of my favorites as a kid. I also thought of him immediately when, in high school, I first saw an anti-anarchist caricature in a history textbook.

I was once at my favorite pan-Asian place in Chicago, showing it off proudly to a family member who was visiting. I wanted to crawl under the table as he proceeded to ask the waiter — who barely spoke English — to basically disassemble a dish into its component parts.

That's some great username-comment synergy…I think.

[steps on a dozen rakes]

A thousand hipsters are furiously looking up "retrocession"…

The first one wasn't out-and-out terrible. It was just dull. I think they hadn't figured out at that point how to (1) stretch a Trek story across two hours, and (2) how to deal with stuff on Earth.

I haven't seen all the Trek films, but I have a lot of respect for First Contact.

I can't make heads or tails of this. Do you speak Bachi?

We had a lot to digest in these comments. Took us 1000 years or so…

imc440, here, gets it.

Any Given Person: "I love ice cream."

Thank you for the explanation of GFFA. I haven't been keeping up with Savage Love, and thought it might be a new slang term for bondage, sex workers, or a club drug.

I agree. I can deal with the callbacks and fan service in The Force Awakens because it needed to right the ship after the calamatous prequels. That doesn't mean I want to see a bunch more of it from here on out. In fact, I imagine that it won't age very well because as the context of post-prequels ill will toward the

It's in Oklahoma. At least, it was 15 years ago. It was delicious.

Yeah, like, they should have shot more at night to hide the shabbiness in the dark.

It also has that pretty tense bit about humans — even teachers and others in authority — not being allowed to say "no" to an ape.