Millennial Historian

Big Fish is a wonderful movie.

He really was just about perfect in Boogie Nights. I guess that bought him a lot of good will.

Planet of the Apes is my top example of the rare movie that is better than the book.

I think a shit-ton of nuclear weapons going off along the eastern seaboard is going to alter the landscape a whole bunch. Don't think of them as cliffs. Think of them as massive piles of rubble.

Plus, they've got four hands to hold 'em with!!!

Clearly he is trying to trigger the ape uprising. Hell, I think one of them got elected president last November!

Dicks out for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

I've heard stories that in the 20th century, this technique (with the same grim consequences) was used by one or both sides in the Troubles in Northern Ireland to root out spies.

It's all about projection and transference with Republicans. During the Obama years, they took everything they had heard from the Left about how Dubya was the worst president ever and started using it, sometimes verbatim, about Obama. I mean, like a week into his presidency.

If historical trends continue (a big "if"), Democrats stand to take control of at least one house of Congress. When presidents enjoy both houses of Congress controlled by their party, that has usually only lasted for the first two years, and that uniform control gets upended by voters in the midterm election.

Frank Oz was Henson's creative partner and an equal in stature to the founding master. Whitmire was a successor, so not the same stature. It's just the nature of these things.

Re: 3. He was tired of Miss Piggy's aggressive sexual advances, and came to a private, confidential separation agreement with Disney.

"…that pile started to griiiiind."

Prince seemed like an alien who had traveled the far reaches of the galaxy and chose to make his home on Earth because he enjoyed our brand of fucking the most.

She's out of her element, Donny!

He looks to me like he's imagining the two of them kissing, and the jealousy is welling up inside him.

This is fucking brilliant, and deserves all the likes.

Nah, Nixon got re-elected. Let's hope he gets Willian Henry Harrisoned. Sure, he's behind schedule, but pneumonia can strike any man his age who is so heedless of his good health!

Irish Protestants and Catholics: "We will drag this centuries-old ethno-religious conflict into the 20th century where it will shock the western world as a throwback to Europe's bloodiest pre-modern destruction."

I don't know much about Mika, but Papa Zbigniev hardly counted as a liberal in terms of foreign policy (his portfolio). Maybe he seemed like a welcome breath of fresh air after Kissinger, but I wasn't really politically aware in the Carter years (I was age 2-6).