Millennial Historian

I read that in Jerry Blank's voice.

Waiting for Iron Chef Bobby Flay to chime in…

Paul Rudd is always great.

I stopped watching his series after a while because it seemed like every other episode he was back in Vietnam. He must have had a side piece there and used the show as an economical way to see her.

Obviously it touched on the zeitgeist, providing a fantasy justification for all the teenagers who have earbuds stuck in their ears 24/7.

[shrugs] I'm Catholic, but I hardly ever go to church. It's a cultural thing for me. Maybe that's how it is for these non-church-going Evangelicals?

"How dare he?! This movie is the equivalent of Star Wars, Jaws, Citizen Cane, The French Connection, and Powder all rolled into one!!!!1!!1!!!" — late-stage AV Clubbers

"I've heard it's good."

"I heard this term, 'woke.' It means that everybody needs to wake up to the terrible shit that is happening, like black people getting shot by cops for no reason!"

I'm antimonarchical all the time, but as an American, my hatred of monarchy swells this time of year. So that list is disgusting. To think that so many places in the world — even western countries that call themselves democracies! — still have this type of institutionalized inequality baked into their societies in

This is some BULLSHIT!

I know next to nothing about James Buchanan. I would vote for Andrew Johnson as the worst president, since he worked deliberately to undermine any progress made by freedmen in the South and to negate the Union's victory in the Civil War. I would say that we are still living with the consequences of his efforts to

I actually called someone driving a Prius a Trump voter when they drove too close to me on my bike. I wanted to hit them where it hurt.

Trump is gearing up to fly around the earth really fast so that he turns time backwards to a point when things were perfect. That's how we're gonna Make America Great Again.

I read that as "traffic, weather, school shootings."

He's been living in America for a long time, after all. My doctor weighs people on a truck scale.

I took it as, "open your eyes to the reality of what's going on in the world, because it's some seriously bad stuff, especially directed at black people."

Ah, yes — hatin' on Mexicans. Ironically, an activity that white and black Americans seem to enjoy in equal proportions! (Just not together.)

Hitchens went through with it, and came out the other end unequivocally calling it torture.

At least Luthor is really smart. I have to figure sometimes his schemes line up with the interests of the people.