Millennial Historian

Bringing intent into it means examining the context, and that just simply isn't done.

"Listen, you libbrul crybaby, when Dear Leader Trump commits treason, it's for the good of the country. Unlike Obummer, trying to make us into a godless commie-Nazi socialist state under Sharia law!" — guy who listens to a lot of Rush Limbaugh, but calls in to NPR shows to put those over-educated liberals in their

When you build a hegemony this strong, you don't even need to put your boot on their throats — 'cause they don't try to stand up for themselves in the first place.

I worked at a place with two deaf ladies, and in an uncharacteristic spasm of decency, the company offered to pay for sign-language lessons for any employee who wanted to take them.

I can't think of a better representation of actual daily American life (at least in the Sun Belt) than King of the Hill. No snark.

Speaking of genitals, you really need to learn what to do with a period.

"I don't want to start a battle,
But the plural of 'cow' is 'cattle'."

The fact that you call them "utters" tells me that you're not ready.

Oh, please. No one has cared about locking her up or Benghazi since November 8, 2016.


You mean "a GIFen."

There are exceptions, though, like "gift" and "girl"; "gif" can just be one of them.

It rhymes with "cocksure."

Plus a gif of that video of him curling that dumbbell.

"This one's hilarious. I'll send it to you. Get it? [snickers] That little Syrian refugee isn't sleeping. [tries to stifle guffaw; fails and blurts] He's dead! Isn't that the best? Oh, man! You should see the look on your face!" — Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (in my imagination, at least)

Cream City representing!

Frankly, I'm curious what they taste like.

I'm reading this in Kramer's Movie Phone voice.

I'm totally gonna try that next time!

I think he's had plastic surgery to look more like Reagan.