Millennial Historian

I think it's a vintage-cocktail thing.

And they should worry, 'cause just about everything in Australia is super-venomous. No joke: the platypus is venomous (maybe not harmful to humans, but what the fuck is going on down there?).

Username-comment synergy off the charts!

Angus Young on the guitar dueling with a set of bagpipes in "It's a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock 'n' Roll)"

I'm just glad someone else on earth knows they recorded that song! I love it.

Upvoted for "Threetles"!

Tears for Fears is the thinking man's Wham!.

YES! I don't really like that song, or Buddy Holy in general, but that solo was perfect. He earned a place in the rock 'n' roll pantheon with that alone.

And I'm already home because i had the day off! [raises cocktail glass]

In "St Elmo's Fire," the real MVPs are the horns in the outro.

Whenever McLaughlin's name comes up, I'm amazed that a former Jesuit priest who went on to lead the conservative side on a PBS current-issues shout-fest could have played so well with Miles Davis!

Upvoted for Ö!

Someday, I want someone to put together a book of wise things Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan has said to other people. My favorite was when he was at some concert with John Fogerty, and Fogerty was going through a period where he refused to play his CCR stuff. Dylan and the others wanted to play "Proud Mary," and Fogerty

I'm not guitarist, so I've never thought his effects were cheating; at least not any more than using an electric guitar in the first place. He's able to sound like three guitarists up there! Yes, he's using some kind of machine for amplification or reverb or whatever, but it's still him moving the fingers on both

I've really been loving "More Than a Feeling" lately. I must be getting very old.

"Love Is Blindness" is where The Edge finally played the blues, after Bono's ridiculous exhortation to do so three years earlier on Rattle and Hum.

I posted a link to a guy doing a great amateur (i think !) cover of it on Youtube.

U2's "The Fly" — as played by this guy!

The first time I heard it, I thought it was kind of cool in a novelty sense: he took up the challenge of only using accoustic instruments on a song that is decidedly electric and very well known. Different tempo, different sound, very different feel to the song. Cool.

They are definitely the last band I discovered through MTV, and they made great use of their videos. I especially like "Growing on Me." The lead singer/guitarist is prancing around through that whole video in various states of nudity, deep-scoop jumpsuits, and fur coats — just the pure avatar of 1970s rock god excess