Millennial Historian

Early and mid-1980s ZZ Top is some of the most fun rock 'n' roll ever made. Same with that era of AC/DC. I've rediscovered/reevaluated both bands recently, and they're both a helluva lot of fun. I'd love to see them on a package tour: Complete Rock: AC/DC to ZZ Top.

I heard "Comfortably Numb" on the radio the other day and almost had to pull the car over, I was so entranced by the guitar work.

The first minute or two of "Sweet Child o' Mine" is some of the best music ever recorded.

If you like that one, listen to its daddy: the three-guitar call-and-response in the Beatles' "The End."

When that version was popular and inescapable, my friend called the classic rock station and asked them to play "Layla" by Derrick and the Dominoes as a Lost Classic (a thing where they would play B-sides, album tracks, or other obscure but awesome songs that callers requested). He said that the people answering the

"We got away with murder! You know, I've never liked that little wiener Milhouse…"

I'm running for Congress in 2018 on a simple platform: impeach, remove, and imprison Trump; and Angela Basset in EVERYTHING.

That's an awesome line. I'm totally going to use it. I'll probably never give you credit, and eventually I might even misremember things so badly that I halfway think I made it up.

But…but…her emails…

"Enquido"? That name doesn't exactly sound like it came over on the Mayflower.

"Failing Jose Peterson can't even post his overrated comments correctly. Sad!" — Donald J. Trump

I think the information about whey's toxicity came from a story on Info Wars.

México fue designado como el país más violento del mundo que no es Siria. Por lo tanto, digamos que "partes de México son buenas".

One of the best defenses of teaching standard English spelling and grammar in schools is so that people will have a better chance of being able to spot spammers, phishers, and con artists. It's even helpful with the robot voicemails I've been getting lately, telling me to call a number by suchandsuch day, or else I

Harry Carey would have been awesome as Siri!

She should have just stuck with reviewing the food, and eventually launched an opinion blog about all sorts of matters, but still lots of food, called "Chu on This."

Or a former student!

When you mentioned that she docked them for paper plates, we all knew she was white.

…in chains!

Joe Perry eats his heart out.