Millennial Historian

I think she's trying to channel Annie Lennox.

"Chaos in City as PWR BTTM Collide with Pussy Riot"

Whoa! Can a person be L and G and B? This new world of intersectionality is exhilarating, but also confusing.

There's no way Gary Shandling was a Texan.

Eh, Rasputin did it first.

James Brady got a fairly sensible law named after him. That's big shakes for a post-Nixon Republican.

"Newspaper"? "Strip"? Guh?

Charlie Brown would know all about it.

Bart looks like he has flesh for hair — sea anemone-style.

I am a 25 years old power lifter.

I was thinking about this in connection with John Candy. In the 1980s, he was remarkably obese. Today, there are tens of millions of North American men who look like him.

"Aren't they up and getting ready for school at that hour? It's 7:30 in Moscow."

I keep hoping to discover that an American city has an unexpected concentration of Belgians, like when I discovered that SE MI has a large Arab population, or Iranians in LA. Something like, thousands of Belgians settled in Sioux Falls after WWI.

How many people noticed that hashtag (#briarpatch) and freaked out about racism?

I agree with this. And the lack of any such rallying figure on the Democratic side makes my bitterness toward Hillary Clin-Ton well up again. If she hadn't stolen all the oxygen in the room since 2008, we might have spent the last 8 years building a bench of credible, young, vibrant Obama Democrats who would be in

People don't use "getup" to refer to costumes or clothing enough these days! Same with "hair do."

Holy shit, you're right! None of the top Nazis wore glasses, did they? Except Himmler, and I guess even Hitler didn't want to mess with the SS.

Quiet — here come the ninjas!

Conservatives — even vaunted Originalists like Antonin Scalia — don't even hew close to the written words of the Constitution, ignoring as they always, ALWAYS do, "well-regulated militia."

This is all very true, and big business was even agitating a bit in that direction toward the end of the Dubya years. But then a black man became president, and they went and lost their damn minds like the rest of the Republican Party.