Millennial Historian

He or she had better.

"Nobody dies because they don't have access to health care."

Everyone has the personal responsibility to conform to their vision of a white, Protestant, straight, bourgeois male from southwestern Iowa, c. 1955. If you can't manage that, you c'n git the fuck out!

I have to assume Trump was taking a swipe at Obamacare there. He and others seem to think that everything was great before the ACA, and that Obama brought American health care so low that even Australia's system is better than ours now; but if we can repeal Obamacare, everything will be great again!

"Serfdom," then. The point is that bad debt can — yes, metaphorically — chain one to a lower position in society and the economy. Because you have to service the debt on your education, a credit card you probably shouldn't have been able to get with a $20,000 limit when you were 18, and maybe even an underwater

Government grants to researchers and even in-house programs also create innovation. The profit motive in health care has led to a situation in which research into ending diabetes and heart disease have essentially stopped because the drug companies have developed some amazing drugs that keep people with these

The freedom to die from easily preventable diseases!

Apparently lots of liberals — and especially women — have signed up to run for all kinds of local offices since Trump's inauguration. The Muslim ban, Betsy DeVos's confirmation, the first AHCA fiasco, and the near-daily assaults on decency seem to have finally moved liberals to do what conservatives did two

Every day in hell is the day after the switch to Daylight Saving Time.

That 3% administrative rate for Medicare was cited in 2009 by some Congresscritter as justification for killing the "public option" (which would have, basically, put some version of Medicare on the ACA exchange, competing against the for-profit insurance companies' policies). This blatant corporate whore actually said

Decent human beings: "Surely we can all agree that everyone deserves to get medical care regardless of their ability to pay."

Hence the "can't afford it" part. Lots of people who are uninsured or under-insured forego medical care because they can't afford it. While that's self-selection rather than being denied treatment, I say that it's a distinction without a difference.

Oh, yes — and rather pungent!

Sure, in Australia.

The Sea Hawk is awesome — or, at least, I remember it being. It's been 30 years since I've seen it. So here is where I complain about so many Warner Bros. movies not being available on Netflix. Why is WB holding out? Do they think they're going to develop their own streaming service? Hell, Disney is probably the only

You don't understand. This man has Stage-4 cancer and less than sux months to live. Furthermore, he isn't just in the getting-TV-shows-developed business. He's in the EMPIRE business.

I've been listening to the Talking Simpsons podcast a lot lately, and I've given Henry a lot of shut for being a complete douchebag. Well, I'm now at the beginning of season four, and I will say that I've come around on Henry. He has really upped his game, coming to the studio with answers to many of the questions

I've been listening to the Talking Simpsons podcast a lot lately, and I've given Henry a lot of shut for being a complete douchebag. Well, I'm now at the beginning of season four, and I will say that I've come around on Henry. He has really upped his game, coming to the studio with answers to many of the questions

I've seen some funny concepts and wordplay in Kermit Drinking Tea memes, but the humor was undercut by the supercilious attitude being so out of character for Kermit.

I always felt this way about Gary Marshall, but he also had a large personality that was infused with the spirit of a carnival barker.