Millennial Historian

Yeah, life's not a bento box or school-cafeteria tray, where everything stays in its neat little section and never mingles with other things. Right now, it feels to me like this complaint about political stuff "intruding" on pop culture stuff is really frivolous. Our republic is under its greatest threat since at

Undisclosed location.

"Do you know what the Catholic Church teaches about homosexuality? 'Cause I don't anymore. I mean, our gay pope seems okay with it, and who am I to go against the pope?"

"This town ain't big enough for two world-class pussy-grabbers." — 45th President if the United States, Donald Trump

O'Reilly and Jones are only being brought low because they got tangled up in legally actionable "women problems" (sexual harassment and a messy divorce). If they hadn't been such red-hot-blooded manly men, they wouldn't be in their predicaments. Rush has played it safe all these years by quietly divorcing his beards

He has a whole golden-years career ahead of him in reviewing soul food restaurants in Harlem.

They alive, dammit!

"it seems so archaic. It seems like an idea that died in the mid-2000s"


I'm 85% sure, based on that description alone, that he had a pistol in an ankle holster.

Surely this guy doesn't have any money. I'm betting his wife gets 50% of a collection of well-thumbed porno mags and a bunch of Marlboro points.

[in Hedonism-Bot's voice, and with a foppish fingers-down waggle of the hand]: "Oh, democracy is such a bore and a bother! Bring on the requirements for the serfs to work on the roads one week a month, so long as I don't have to listen to policy arguments!"

Big upvote for the George Brett reference! My favorite baseball player evah!

Monegasque, or GTFO!

They're already trying to ratchet down some tension by sending Pence to S. Korea. Either it's to soothe some ragged nerves there with the honeyed smarm of Pence, or it's because Trump doesn't own a golf resort in Seoul.

I don't think you go to a Roman Catholic church. On most Sundays, there is a reading from the Old Testament, then a reading from an Epistle or other non-Gospel New Testament book, and finally a reading from one of the Gospels.

Wrong. Catholics most certainly teach from the Old and New Testaments. You are teaching falsehoods.

"You're a receptionist. You don't leave this desk unless one of the partners wants a quickie."

I don't want to speak for Shulkie, but for me, what makes it burdensome is when coworkers or even bosses try to rope people in. It feels like harassment.

Seems like they've got a lot if money-changers in there, too!