Millennial Historian

That's the perfect characterization! "Your little TV hobby is adorable" — I love it.

Thanks for my biggest laugh if the day!

Anyone could bring his or her mother on TV. But not everyone's mother can be funny on TV. Dave's Mom was funny.

That's Trump's Samoan tag-team wrestling partner.

Remember those ads where the guy basically said, "We'll fill out your paperwork so that your scooter gets covered 100% by Medicare"? The irony of advertising bald-faced Medicare loophole abuse to a viewership group that disproportionately claimed to hate Obamacare until they realized that it was the same thing as the

Employees and customers (to say nothing of taxes) keep companies separated fro the money. They are natural enemies.

"I am NOT getting out of my car for this."

It makes incredible mood lighting for analingus.


Um, all that second-person in your last paragraph? That's not directed at me, right?

"Cab drivers"? The Civil War is over, grampa. Get with the times! Thesedays it's all Uber and Lyft and getting assaulted by your no-backiground-check-having driver.

Serious question: did Putin approve the targets for the American strikes to hit? If not, then what does this apparent defiance of his Russian masters mean for Trump — and the rest if us?

Counterpoint: he did a great skit on Jimmy Kimmel years ago where he was "feuding" with Chewbacca.

"The geek shall inherit the hurt!" — Clever schoolyard bully

It really is amazing how much of the functioning of American government relies on the participants observing a basic level of decorum, courtesy, reciprocation, and gentlemanly goodwill. We know this because in the last 20 years — and especially in the last 8 — Republicans have thrown all of that on the ash heap,

I used to think that all sorts of crazy shit I've said over the years would disqualify me from related office. But in this brave new Trumpian world, I'm not so sure. Given the right conditions, maybe I still could…

Better education would help the general public see through the bullshit.

"Force of habit"! Lol.

It wasn't his best work, but you're right: it was totally in-character.

Speaking of professionals, when's payday? I ain't in this for your puns, AV Club. I expect to be paid!