Millennial Historian

I don't remember my chemistry or math too well. Dies this mean that better dads have worse jokes, and worse dads have better jokes?

Were those, perhaps, not Chess recordings?

The world-weariness and grim humor at life's disappointments and annoyances in that one are great reminders that his music wasn't only for teeny boppers.

"Come On" is great, and it's a grown-up song, too.

There's no other single person with a better claim to inventing rock 'n' roll (despite what Little Richard will say — shut up!). But there's no one person who invented the music, so I like your use of "template." Everyone playing rock 'n' roll in the 1960s and 1970s started by loving and learning Chuck Berry songs.

It's all of a piece with the larger Republican policy of extermination of the weak, infirm, poor, and other "takers." Paul Ryan wants any poor people who are sick to die. Trump wants any poor people who are hungry to die. Steve Bannon (and Steve King of Iowa, as well as countless, quieter others) want to rid the

"Insufferable" works pretty well, too!

Fake zoos should specialize in cryptozoology.

I love the Freudian slip of "afterwoods" in the context of Big Foot.

I wish that after she assembled that audience, she actually had something to say. I tuned out after the first 5 minutes, when it became clear she was not in possession of anything significant, and was just continuing to hype, instead of reporting on anything.

Bannon before The Force Awakens trailer: "I can't wait to see what cool stuff they have in store for us!"

It wasn't just on Twitter, either. MSNBC was announcing the upcoming bombshell with a "Trump's Tax Returns" thing in the bottom-right corner of the screen with a fucking countdown to the start of Maddow's show. Her "hey, I didn't hype this. If you got all excited about it being a bigger deal than it turned out to be,

"I've made a terrible mistake"?

Goddamn it. Here I was, all primed and ready to sploosh forth with praise for a "View All Comments" option — FINALLY! After how many years with fucking Disqus? — only to STILL see a "Load more comments" button after the first few comments.

As much as I would love for some big news to take Trump down, I couldn't deal with Maddow's "20 minutes of preamble." I made it about five minutes and turned it off, knowing I could read it later from a source not so simultaneously smug and dull.

I think Don Martin drew that in MAD Magazine.

It's about time someone had the guts to speak up for political apathy!

No one could have possibly known how complex health-care reform could be.

I especially love that inconsistency. Getting launched downthread when I hit reply seems to always happen, but that scrolling-through-the-article-in-the-background thing sometimes happens, sometimes doesn't. It makes me think there's not any real system at work; just random, unconnected things that sometimes work.

He loves only gold
Only gooooold…