Millennial Historian

It's Sean Spicer's Twitter.

Hey, Empty Box's experience isn't like ours, so ours must be invalid. All these problems we've been experiencing really aren't problems, because HE'S not having them, see? (Cf., gender pay gap, minority education gap, declining wages for American workers at median income levels for the last 40 years).

I like it when they call that a "jungle primary."

Wait a minute: the news is at 10:00! You lied, too!

Your tax credits — give zem to me.

It is even more maddening on an iPhone now than before. I didn't think that was possible.


Way to throw nightshade.

I think I think it's just the tops that every time Disqus tries something new — big or small — everything about this site is thrown into absolute chaos for 2-3 days.

There used to be a commenter around these parts by the name of Huge Jacked Man

His insistence ies lend credence to the idea that the Welsh and the English are touchy about the differentiation.

"Fat and muscle and facial bones"

I knew a priest who said he answered the door in regular clothes, and it was the Jehova's Witnesses. He said that he let them talk about God for a few minutes before telling them that he was working for another team.

This is the best.


Episode IV Luke would totally pull that "I'm kind of a big deal" shit if he was even halfway to growing a padawan rat-tail.

And ponting the business end at him at that!

Only relative to the distances we are used to on earth.

The "It's a Von Trapp" Dept.

Quite underrated, that one.