Millennial Historian

Absolutely! And the Democrats should brand all these slimy Republicans cowards. They aren't just the "Party of No," they're the Party of Cowards. When Gabby Giffords tells you to suck it up and face your constituents, you'd best listen.

More like 20-25. No one had a problem with it until sometime in the Clin-Ton presidency. It really came seemingly out of nowhere, too, and kind of happened overnight. I never understood the rationale behind this one. But it was also the one that got me more accepting of such changes. I don't know why, but I said to

Pence is lying because he's the Establishment's man on the inside. At least, that was the theory six months ago. Maybe he's been corrupted since then, and just wants those petro-millions that Putin promised. Or maybe Pence had just been a greedy whore all along. He's definitely looking less and less like a

We throw them out if office and into prison. Then we make their political philosophy so radioactive that conservatives not only can't get elected, but run into hiding as a frightened, hounded group.

He had an amazingly thoughtful piece on Margaret Thatcher's death.

"organ-liquefying speeds"! Lol

He's not a Senator anymore, so Elizabeth Warren can talk shit about him all she wants!

It was Penninsula Records back then.

It beats working at the car wash.

Prisoner of your love
Entangled in your web
HOT whispers in the night
I'm captured by your spell


Those mysterious crop circles around Island Records offices…

He had a lot of nae to slap.

Meanwhile, this guy has gone into hiding:

Well, see, we've all been kind of busy, what with the Achtung-ing and the Zooropa-ing…

$5 million? Jeez, Bono could scrape that together tonight and bring it to this guy's house. Of course, he'd guilt-trip him about it, and ask if he wouldn't really prefer the money go to feeding starving AIDS orphans in Africa.

Finally, someone else shares my hatred of Charlie Rose. He's basically a reanimated corpse at this point, but even when he was younger and healthier years ago, he was awful. It's like listening to an Alzheimer's patient interview someone. Sometimes he's asking questions in a completely different conversation from

No way! Looking at Pence's anal-retentive haircut for the next four years is going to be bad enough; Gayle's ridiculous fucking clown glasses would just get to be too much after a week on the campaign trail.

There's a guy in another department I sometimes work with that talks a lot like Rick, and I'm constantly trying not to crack up.

Also, never forget the absolute fucking cheerleading the press did in support of invading Iraq 14 years ago.